Anthony Veronica Fernandes, From Coconut Trees to Oil Wells: Journeys, Links, 
and Solidarity between Goa and Kuwait. Saligao, Goa, Goa 1556, 2016 144 pp. Rs. 
200 paperback.

 these tense moments, while was running for dear life with gunshots 
heard from behind, I was constantly praying to God. My plea was to save 
me if only to see my ailing mother who was on her death bed at the time,
 and who had given me as much as was possible within her very limited 
means as no other mother in my locality did for their sons. I wanted to 
escape from this torturous moment to survive and to take care of my 
beautiful and loving wife Fatima, my beloved son Ashton and my darling 
daughter Aveshah.”

 book covers exciting ground documenting formidable grounds covered by 
the author Anthony Veronica Fernandes from Candolim, Goa. The book is 
extraordinary in its scope covering theses which are mostly brushed 
asides in scholarly reflections. The book written with all the 
characteristics of humility has the core theme of work. People from Goa 
migrated to gulf over the past six decades. One of the destination 
countries was Kuwait. Over here is the spatial placement with immediate 
international characteristics.

 international character of this book documents indomitable spirit of 
the author to stick out his neck and get into personal witnessing of 
justice – the value in his connects Global and Local at every juncture. 
There are shifting focuses on what is local though. Having spent 35 
years in Gulf working for a private company under hostile labour 
condition the initiatives of Fernandes are extraordinary. In a days when
 mass of people are lethargic to take even minor initiatives in Goa when
 their jobs are secure Veronica’s case is really gutsy. It is but 
fitting that he has come out with this book that not only is rich 
documentation of what went on but also inspiring book of life in war and
 life in Peace  that is nearly war.  The book lets out springs of 
inspiration from the Author. Those sensitive will absorb and identify 
with the book very smoothly encountering harsh reality of Kuwait as well
 as Goa.

 book is masterpiece initiative of charity in most genuine sense. The 
book is not only in defense of Goans and other Indians working abroad in
 Kuwait including maids that are subjected to cruel treatments and even 
rape by Kuwaitis powerful due to Petro dollar, but book is also in 
defense of Kuwatis held as Prisoners of war. Goans under the fantastic 
humane leadership of Anthony Veronica Fernandes made global difference 
in international relations far sidetracking official Kuwait – India 
diplomatic relations. Anthony Veronica Fernandes personally flew into 
New Delhi from Kuwait in order to lobby for international support of 
world leaders stationed in New Delhi to seek release Kuwaiti prisoners 
of war held in Sadam Hussein’s Iraq. He also communicated this message 
in this regard to the United Nations.

 to say that this initiative is extraordinary in every sense from an 
ordinary man who has witnessed two political invasions so far in his 
life time ;Invasion of Goa - as he documents - by India on 17th December 1961 
and 29 years later  invasion of Kuwait in on 02nd August 1990. The life after 
Iraqi occupations ends after US led forces chased Iraq out after seven months 
on 26th February 1991.

 was during this time after the Indian work force in Kuwait was 
airlifted from Jordan and brought to Goa via Bombay that took most 
unusual political twists of the times. The minority of those who 
returned from Kuwait organized themselves with the support and guidance 
from many in Goa like Roland Martins that book records and launched 
movement creating long term influence on the foreign policies of India, 
Kuwait and Iraq. Mobilization not only was tough owing to perception of 
hopelessness of any possibilities of Iraq withdrawing from Kuwait and 
putting end to the Occupation.  Few Goans even flew back into Kuwait 
when Iraqi government asked them to resume work under their regime in 
them middle for the war against USA. Most workers including maids stayed
 back in Goa due to various reasons. Anthony Veronica Fernandes himself 
had a narrow escape on two occasions. First was on the streets of Kuwait
 when Iraqi Soldier pointed gun and asked him to run for his life with 
hands up and secondly, inside his flat when soldiers came to search. On 
the first occasion Veronica ran for his life and heard a dozen gun shots
 behind him. But none hit Veronica who describes his state at this 
moment as that of ‘cockroach’. The second life saving instance he 
credits his saving of his life to Bible. When the soldiers noticed Bible
 in his room when soldiers were found to be descended into mental 
confusion and walked out of his room. He credits his faith to have saved
 him on both the occasions.

 has succinct description of both the Occupations – Goa by India and 
Kuwait by Iraq – in his book. He disapproves both of them. While Iraqi 
occupation of Kuwait has been global highlight and therefore protests 
and armed strikes made liberation possible, the case of Indian 
Occupation of Goa was clear in 1961 and subsequently has been on back 
burner of global publicity and discourse. This has postponed the 
possibilities of Liberation further in time. Moreover Liberation of Goa 
is contentions issue as now it has been well established that India 
itself is a colony of Eurasians invaders who took over power from 
British in 1947. Goa is no different these very Eurasians have firm grip
 over Goa’s economy and thought process. In this sense Liberation 
discourse needs refashioning of discourse is though a necessity 
Fernandes’ attempt to get the topic of Indian occupation of Goa is 
welcome political move. This issue has been long forgotten with 
deliberate diversionary discourse. What Fernandes calls as Indian 
Occupation of Goa has an international endorsement though the United 
Nations Security Council resolution no. 988 dated 18th December
 1961. It is veto from USSR that has provided political legitimacy for 
the Indian Occupation of Goa. The formulation of Indian occupation of 
Goa needs to to undergo refinement into Eurasian occupation of Goa just 
as the current case of Eurasian occupation of India itself. It needs 
clear cut examination as to the subtle motives as to why USSR supported 
and vetoed in favour of Indian occupation of Goa. Fernandes provokes his
 readers to ponder deeper into this these that is largely remains 
self-censored under the discourse of nationalism. Lets venture into 
reflection as this book provokes us. Indian military it is estimated has
 over 66,000 acres of land under its control in Goa with several 
military bases in Navelim, Ponda, Bambolim etc. Indian armed forces has 
control over civilian airport at Dabolim, has claimed its control over 
controversial Mopa airport and has got huge track of land under defense 
ministry in Quitol in Betul Panchayat jurisdiction for permanent venue 
of Defense Expo beginning from March 2016. The local opposition has been
 ignored and process of colonialism under what Fernandes calls ‘Indian 
occupation of Goa’ has been further penetrated and Goa integrated into 
Global war economy.

 also is very blunt in his criticism of caste system on only in Goa but 
also practiced by Goans in Kuwait. Fernandes’ contribution to Konkani 
movement, and Konkani journalism in Goa; aspect that very often gets 
glossed over in intellectual circles. What is glossed over is actually 
the contribution of overseas Goans particularly the Gulf Goans and this 
book is meant to assert and fill this gap. Fernandes makes a point that 
he is an advocate of Raman script of Konkani. This point is made in the 
context of how Christians in Goa using Roman script were used as 
political mob by Eurasians or bamons to fight the bhahujans using 
Marathi and fighting to get Marathi the status of official language of 
Goa. Christian and bhahujan clashed with each other and both lost. 
Bamons skillfully got their concocted language devnagri konkni as 
official language of Goa. This was done in order to keep Christians as 
well as bhahujans – the masses of Goa weak so that minority Eurasians 
seeks to rule Goa in perpetuity. In terms of religions they had already 
permanent exclusive control over major temples with Mhajan Act that is 
being under fire with bhahujan revolt in Madkai. For a long time 
Christian and bhahujans in Goa regarded each other as enemies. This 
architecture of enmity was founded by Eurasian bamons for their selfish 
ends. In 1986 leadership of Christians as well as bhahujan failed to see
 through the game plan of bamons the way politics of language was played
 out and both staged surrender to the Bamon Raj only to realize it two 
decade later with the contribution from Ramnath Naik and his book 
‘Berlin Wall’.

 of Goans in Kuwait is tough and hard. Labour laws during his time in 
Kuwait were very harsh. There was no job security and one can be fired 
from the Job anytime legally. It is purely based on goodwill of the 
management of the companies in Kuwait that working was possible. Anthony
 Veronica describes his own job harsh reality. His management has two 
Europeans, a German and a British. German had trained Nazi mindset and 
directly humiliated Veronica on workplace on several occasions.  His 
British did the same thing but diplomatically. Book records in more 

 rise of Kuwait as centre of Oil exploration is the base of Goan labour 
force overwhelmingly mulnivasis attraction into Kuwait. This book is 
also about the tribute paid to Kuwait for providing jobs to Goans and 
expression of deep gratitude. This gratitude has expression in extreme 
from Anthony Veronica Fernandes – Fight for the rights of Kuwaitis taken
 as Prisoners of war after the Liberation of Kuwait. General tendency is
 to forget the welfare of the destiny country of employment and focus 
solely on one’s personal welfare. Most Goans surely must have taken this
 approach and worked for themselves and family and found their way into 
oblivions of History. Veronica and his colleagues made a difference 
because of his ability to demonstrate his concern not only for the 
welfare of Goans but also welfare of Kuwaitis. He particularly is not 
has this privilege of unique contribution to history in Goa but also in 

 the war was being fought in Iraq in 1990 – 1991 Anthony Veronica 
Fernandes took lead on his own to organize meetings and marches in 
defense of Kuwait and against Iraqi invasion of the land that has 
provided with gainful employment and prosperity. Protests under Goa – 
Kuwait Solidarity Centre covered in international media. Iraqi 
government contacted Fernandes to stop this initiative. The protests in 
Goa supporting Kuwait was going contrary to Indian foreign policy tilt 
towards supporting the invasion. The tilt changed gradually to oppose 
the invasion. It was not just USA and England that played in freeing 
Kuwait in 1991 but also people of Goa even though attendance was less 
than 10 per cent of 10,000 who retuned to Goa after invasion between 
August – December 1990. Media highlights of the protests in Goa singled 
out Goan labour force in Kuwait for the political action. The message of
 Goans’ support to Kuwaiti freedom struggle not only reached Indian 
Government and Iraqi government but also reached to Kuwaiti government 
in exile functioning from a territory in Saudi Arabia. At this time life
 of Anthony Veronica Fernades was in danger in Goa. Goa Police put him 
under watch even though he did nothing against Government of India. The 
political mobilization in support of Kuwait in Indian by returnees from 
Kuwait at his juncture was the only one even though people from several 
States in India worked in Kuwait and were deported. But none galvanized 
themselves to support the country that has helped them to prosper 
financially. Kuwait was betrayed by rest of Indian workforce and this is
 well recorded the book.

 though Kuwaiti Amir was aware of the Goans public demonstrations in 
support of his country rest of the Kuwaitis were not. It took innovative
 media offensive from Anthony Veronica Fernandes to reach the message to
 Kuwaitis. Goans do not control Kuwaiti television or newspapers. Yet 
Goans has presence in every Kuwaiti home in the form of maid. These very
 maids were contacted by Veronica after the war was over and after back 
in Kuwait working and photo documentation of protest in support of 
Kuwait was prepared. The photo albums numbering 1,000 were prepared. 
These albulms one each was given to each of the Goan maid to be handed 
over to their Kuwaiti employers. This changed the views of Goans by 
Kuwaitis. Maids carried on political task in formidable manner under the
 tutelage of Fernandes. Suddenly entire Kuwaitis came to know about the 
support of Goan employees publicly.  1,000 Kuwaiti families influential 
discussed Goa support. Anthony Veronica Fernandes rose up in stature as 
the leaders to such extend that Kuwaitis began to treat him as India’s 
unofficial ambassador in Kuwait. Kuwait government and elites offered 
lucrative offers to Fernandes as the gesture of their gratitude. 
Fernandes rejected all the personal favours and simply said “I want Job 
prosperity to People from Goa in your country.” This surprised not only 
Kuwaitis but also Goans but established relationship of brotherhood 
amongst Kuwaitis and Goans. Very soon Video of Goans supporting Kuwait 
was aired on Kuwaiti national television and Indian Embassy was found 
itself at receiving ends for not reporting anything of Goan support to 

The uprightness and courage of Fernandes comes out very
clearly when in his book he critics Kuwaiti males for committing atrocities on
Indian females working as maids. Specially when Kuwaitis males are alone at
home with their wives and children away these sexual assaults takes place.
Fernandes describes this as ‘Animal Power’ of the Kuwaitis. 

Book has several insights into Goa and lifer here. Caste
system is severely attacked.  Fernandes
observes that in North Goa Aldona was a worst Parish in terms of caste
discriminations. It may not be a co-incident that Goa’s current Archbishop
Felipe Neri Ferrao hails from Aldona and carried caste based discriminations
into the lifeblood of Goa Archdiocese with sale of Vanxim island as show case
piece of this nature. 

Two other important themes dominate this book very
prominently. One is sports and second is konkni theatre – tiatros. Sports is in 
life blood of the ancestors of Fernandes and
details are recorded on book. Fernandes himself was sportsman in his youth with
athletics and football as his passion.  Fernandes was fastest in Goa in 100 
covering in under 11 seconds in 1966 representing St. Joseph School, Arpora. I
had a telephonic discussion on this point with the Author and raised this
aspect. Fernandes told me “Caste did dot gave us advantage, for I was ‘low’ in
their calculations. Sports gave us social respect and we capitalized on it. We
never allowed Brahmins to have an upper hand over us. We crushed their attempts
to dominate us and sports was the way out.” So there are names not only of his
ancestors who shined in sports past decades but also his brothers Peter, late
Josemarie and Mickey find their sports carriers mentioned and ultimately comes
across as stepping stones to political expression: the theme that is seldom
touched and discussed. Sports as path to political power and social respect are
new insight for me. He married his long time girl friend Fatima and has two
children Aveshah and Ashton. Their sports history is recorded in this book too.

The second theme is of theatre that Fernandes is so
passionately involved in commenting upon. His comments are taken very seriously
in Tiart fraternity. His comments are
there in this book in the interview by Gasper Crasto attached towards the end
of the book. 

Fernandes worked in Kuwait from 02nd August 1975
to 16th December 2013 with Behbehani Motors Company. At the end of
his time in Kuwait there is nothing special that he foresee coming up. This is
mainly so because present generation of Kuwait Goans is not as enthusiastic as
we were for the cause of Goa and Goans. What his generation has done looks
final, book claims. Lets hope this is proved wrong and many more Goans take
initiative like that of Fernandes.

There is so much more to write about and distill from
this book. Readers are will certainly find this book useful tool for variety of
purposes and destine to make difference to the course of understanding of
History of the place beloved to Fernandes and to many of us – Goa. 

Fernandes has been one of the founders of Goan Overseas
Association (GOA) with Raymond D’Sa and relentlessly promoted Konkani and
Football. It takes credit for winning statehood for Goa. Book however escapes
to note that the first cabinet resolution after statehood to Goa in 1987 was
release of master plan for tourism development in Goa. Statehood was granted in
order to protect India from criticism when it will take over huge tracks of
lands in Goa. State administration could serve as buffer to ward off the
criticism of India. Master plan was master sale of Goa’s coast to big capital
interests from across the globe and if allowed could render Goans as slaves and
minority of hardly any political significance. Everywhere statehood has double
agenda – one is open declared one and second one that is hidden from masses –
corporate and Bamon agenda. This bluffing trend continues till date now in
terms of call for special status for Goa. The same bamons who are involved in
selling Goa’s land are asking for special status for Goa. If anyone responsible
for ruining Goa they are bamons. Various protests movement that come up are
essentially to provide cover for these very bamons. Until they are exposed
there is no hope for Goa. Enemy is within Goa and we are looking elsewhere in
Delhi. This must change.

The book comes out as master piece on criticality. Let’s
see some of the comments for their razor sharp impact:

speaking, sometimes those who pray the loudest can be the biggest hypocrites.”

Portuguese security personnel would scream at Goans with anger for any mistake,
or even if we didn’t commit one, calling us “Goesa” (Goans). In a like manner,
Kuwaiti Police would shout at us with anger and disdain not only for any small
fault or no fault. They would yell at us, using derogatory remarks like “Hindi
gauvad” (Indian donkey). The way the Portuguese security personnel inculcated a
fear complex in our minds was similar to what the Kuwaiti security personnel

was crime not only against Christian Mary but against Islam itself. He hurt and
disgraced the greatness of his religion. It was a shame to commit such a rape
in the holy month of Ramadan. Such rapes and crimes are very common in Kuwait
in all seasons. Islam’s enemies are not just the Zionists, but their own
Muslims who bring dishonor by committing un-Islamic acts against poor maids in
the Gulf in general and in Kuwait in particular.”

later on, almost every Kuwaiti started selling visas for a very fat amount.
Visa selling has now become very lucrative business associated with lot of
cheating and duping by the section of Kuwaitis.”

there was no ID card, but later on one called the hawiah was introduced. This
document now plays very important role in anything and everything”.

Kuwait too, caste beliefs were very strong among Goan Christians. Even jobs
were filled in by some casteist Goan managers after analyzing one’s caste
status. One Brahmin bhatkar from (landlord) Saligao, holding a top post in a
prominent company, did so. His bias favored ‘high’ caste job-seekers, even if
others were fit educationally and professionally.”

for me, the caste factor is irrelevant. I am not shy of my humble, poor and
‘low’ background. But I maintain my dignity and lead a decent life without
cheating my wife. I have not cheated the community or robbed the trust of the
society. I am involved in so many associations but not a single association
dismissed me for committing any breach of financial irregularities. This is my
dignity which is much higher than the cheapness of caste system.”

terrified by this scene, I noticed one soldier nearby was pointing his gun at

a mighty fall for Kuwait. Within a minute, so to say, Kuwait had lost its
independent identity, Kuwaitis became countryless, homeless and passportless.
Overnight, a dazzling and magnificent country, one of the richest in the world
in per capita terms, collapsed like a pack of cards in front of the military
might of Iraq.”

of the Arab armies and their military arsenals were powerful enough to
withstand the military might of tiny Israel, which was implanted in the Middle
East by the Zionist lobby in collaboration with imperial British by uprooting
innocent Palestinians from their rightful homes and homeland.”

1961, when Indian troops annexed my beloved Goa, I was a young boy doing my
schooling at a Portuguese primary school.”

to the stories going around, in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, anybody purchasing
typewriter could find himself under surveillance; such people were seen as
having the potential to write against the system. Saddam was said to have
abhorred the intellectual class of society.”

of the book can be purchased from the Author. His mobile number  

Sebastian Rodrigues

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