Roland, entering the 'Door of Mercy' is symbolic. It signifies
reconciliation and repentence. What it means is that God forgives and one
can change into a new leaf by leaving the past behind. What is important is
for one to transform oneself by discarding sins of greed, selfishness,hubristic
pride, lust, malicious envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth etc. Confessions are
held in all churches,some daily, some weekly. Unfortunately, some people
take the literal meaning and miss the essence.

This year being declared the Year of Mercy by the Pope, the faithful are
exhorted to reconcile with God. If you have been following the news, the
Pope has asked the people to practice forgiveness. Single mothers,divorced
couples,couples of inter-religious marriages who in the past were
excommunicated have all been welcomed back into the Church.

Regarding the protest fast by some people due to which the 'Door of Mercy'
at Mount Mary Church was closed, that is a separate issue. More to do with
property matters and a way of drawing attention to their grievances, real
or imaginary.



*I was chagrined to read on Goanet recently about some Door of Mercy at
Mount Mary's church being closed and people fasting to death over it.It
would be amusing if it weren't sad that in this day and age some Catholic
faithful believe that passing through such doors grants them a plenary
indulgence of punishment in purgatory.First of all hang the Church recanted
its purgatory doctrine.Even if has not, can one really bring oneself to
believe that passing through a church door gives  some spiritual relief? *
*Roland Francis*

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