*            Dated: 16.04.2016*


*The Editors, Bureau  Chiefs, Staff reporters, Admins and others, State of


*SUB:   'Commemoration of the ‘GAUNKAR’S DAY' ….. A press release for kind
favour of publication for the benefit, knowledge & information of your
esteemed readerships.  *

Kindly release the hereunder reproduced resolution passed  by Gaunkars
representing  Village Communities /Comunidades of Goa, assembled for the
annual gathering held at the Institute Piedade Hall, Panjim, on 15th April,
to commemorated their Gaunkar’s Day.

Thanking you for your kind  co-operation.

Yours   Truly,


[Adv. Andre A Pereira]

Convenor, Gaunkar’s Day.

The Press Release:

" *The  Gaunkars of respective Comunidades  of Goa have reason to enjoy
today the benefits of their regained ‘Sovereignty’ ages before the concept
of any State vesting with such Sovereignty ever came to be conceived.*

*That as of 15.04.1961,  the Gaunkars and the Comunidades of  Goa remain
free from the concept of ‘State Landlordism’ through the promulgation of
the ‘Diploma Legislative No.2070’ dated 15.04.1961 as stands notified and
published in the Government Official Gazette dated 15.04.1961, solemnly
declaring that the respective Comunidades of Goa are absolute ‘private
owners’ of their inalienable Community lands covering the respective
villages not held by State grants at any point of time. *

*That in terms of Article 5 of the Code of Comunidades in force, the
Government has admitted of being under the testamentary obligation to
provide the all time assured and guaranteed State Administrative Tutelage,
both preventive and curative in nature, to the Village Communities or
Comunidades of Goa, against any kind of prejudice being caused or caused at
the instance of any source. *

*That the above said Code of Comunidades is the general ‘personal law’ of
Comunidades of Goa, not enacted by any legislature. It contains mainly the
time tested compilation of  usages and customs that have been practiced and
followed by gaunkars from generation to generation when dealing with the
management of affairs pertaining to the common welfare of their respective
villages through  the inalienable Community lands. *

*      The said inalienable Community lands consists of water bodies and
natural resources, and,  in terms of above said declaration,  never
belonged to any State Ruler who came into existence after the said
Gaunkaries were established, to be inherited by any succeeding Governments.

*That the existence of Village Communities or Comunidades of Goa, covering
over 80% of area under the land mass of the Territory of Goa with absolute
or with allodial inalienable community land and the Gaunkars or population
hailing from above said absolute private villages of Goa are not the
‘electorate’ in terms of the provisions of the ‘Representation of Peoples
Act, 1951’, as foreseen by Constitution of India.*

*That the provisions of both Central and State Laws, which are in
conformity with the Constitution of India, cannot apply in the areas where
proprietorship in given land originally does not vests with the State.
There cannot be any duly constituted Revenue Districts in Goa of any
Government in Goa headed by any designated Collector/s, in the absence of
State land Tenure holdings. That no Sovereignty of the State can ever vest
with any Government where no such Revenue District can come to exist.*

*Gaunkars stand informed, for above reasons, that a petition dated
28.03.2016 has been  filed before H.E. the  President of India,  in terms
of ‘Article 365’ of the Constitution of India, demanding that appropriate
 action be taken for redress since the Gaunkars and their respective
Village Communities or Comunidades are subjected to atrocities and
fraudulent acts and deeds carried out by every successive unconstitutional,
undemocratic and non-authentic State Governments in Goa.”*


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