1. You can drastically reduce your time in purgatory by following Pope
Francis in Twitter. The Pope explains it well and I estimate I will spend 7
to 8 seconds there.

2. If the devil punishes people for their sins, how can the devil be a bad
person? Why is hell thought of as a bad place when the evil are finally
paying for their sins?

3. I like your idea of paying a priest to help *celebrate some
occasion/event/ festival etc.)*

4. Amen.

5. If I have understood you correctly, you are saying that people who
worship false gods - can be good people - and go to heaven?


On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 5:03 AM, Marshall Mendonza <>

> After listening to me, this is what the parish priest said:
> 1. no one knows how long a soul lies in purgatory. It depends on the life
> that person lived on earth.
> 2. heaven and hell are concepts meant to make people live good lives.
> Basically reward and punishment.
> 3. Priests do not earn any salary or income. They are at the service of the
> community for their spiritual matters. Hence to provide them with a source
> of income, masses were offered for which they received a small stipend.
> Masses for the dead, masses out of gratitude for some wish fulfilled ( safe
> pregnancy, passing exams, marriage, safe journey, good job, celebrate some
> occasion/event/ festival etc.).
> 4. Masses are offered for ALL souls at every mass, though mention is made
> of the person for whom the mass is offered.
> 5. It is wrong to assume that only Catholics will go to heaven. All those
> who have led good lives, whether catholics or non-catholics go to heaven.
> It is the life that we lead that will decide where we go.
> 6. Purgatory is like a period of repentence.
> Trust I have been able to some extent been able to answer your query.
> Regards,
> Marshall

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