In Praise of Politicians & Voters

He is a master politician: he has no conscience. He can do without this
terrible burden. He goes to sleep at night  and snores like a baby, and
much louder. Some people think it is the train or sound of helicopters.
And, in the morning, he wakes up looking fresher than a glass of early
morning toddy; that is the nature of the beast.

The Goa State elections are on their way and there soon will be a lot of
entertainment on the menu, more than Christmas, Diwali and all other
festivals together. It is Party time and every politician will challenge
every other. People who have household reputations for corruption and a
history of rags-to-riches will speak against it, proving they have skins
harder than elephants and maybe even the coconut tree bark which everyone
nowadays knows is no longer a tree. What it is exactly will be known to
future generations. Who knows it might become a part of our mythology like
the wonderful story of the birth of Goa. Why be scientific when we can have
pseudo-science, a cocktail of science and mythology?

Politicians everywhere make promises. And these promises are not to be
taken seriously by anyone, including voters. After all, politicians
themselves don't take the promises they make to the voters seriously. So,
why do you, Mr Voter? In Goa the voter is suffering from a serious case of
maya, and needs to see a doctor to prescribe some miracle medicine to cure
his or her illusions and delusions. It is a joke, a sad joke on the voter
who unfortunately has no sense of humor. Forget about it. Go have a drink
or go see a soccer match or …. Anything to cure you of your false
expectations and belief in the promises made by our politicians prior to
the state or national elections. Luckily for Mr Voter our state is full of
attractions and there is something for everyone, no shortage so you need
not worry. Your cure  is guaranteed.

You don't have to listen to me, an overseas worker who returns to Goa every
year but cannot vote, not as yet, anyway. Some day, maybe. Besides, I don't
go to church or believe in God. Most of the voters and politicians in Goa
are church-temple-mosque going people who believe but apparently do not
fear God. I have nothing of value to offer them.

Anyway, who is an Indian? That is the question. I mean, the real thing.
Debates will begin and continue around the clock. Are you a real Goan is no
doubt the sub text. Are your roots deep enough or are you a banana tree? If
you are not then don't try be a coconut tree as it is no longer a tree.
Sorry, but you have a problem, a serious identity problem.

Who are you, really? What is your place in this great and old society of
ours, the envy of the whole world. Americans who are proud of Abe Lincoln
who made it all the way from a log cabin to the White House or Obama, the
first United States President of color who wants to rename it the Black
House are nothing compared to us. We are greater as our Prime Minister's
father was the owner of a chai shop and he is known the world over as the
Brahmin's chai boy. In India, our country, a chai boy can become the Prime
Minister. Who can outdo this?

As an Indian, are your roots deep enough and your caste high enough for you
to have the right to express your opinion? If not, you don't know a thing,
a single thing worth a coconut so be eloquent and keep silent. As we all
know, our great, old and complex country is held together by a unique
spiritual power and so we Indians have the right to use the phrase - unity
in diversity. Some people are Hindus, others Christians, Muslims, Jains and
so on - diversity - as you will not see anywhere else on our planet!

And - unity - …? We are all corrupt. It is what binds us and unites us all,
forever. Cana it get any better?

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