Views are poles apart from those residing in GOA!! I would rate the govt. a
disaster, reading all that comes out on the net and solely on its Election

You just need to lift the BJP's manifesto and check how much they have full
filled their promises, despite running a majority govt. The number of
U-turns will have a big impact. The issues of Vermin and Palm tree are
enough to bring them down.

To make matters worse the people elected Parrikar, as CM and not a rubber
stamp. But he left the bjp's sinking ship to run to Delhi. One thing is for
sure, Bjp cannot get rid of corruption, coz like cong. their mla's are in it
too. Even fielding Catholic mla's won't get Bjp votes.
For that matter you need to look at Delhi, how AAP manages to do so much in
spite of Centre trying to derail their achievements.
The common man sees through all this.

For corruption free Goa, both the parties need to GO. Possibly GSRP/GOA
FRONT or even AAP will get a big chunk of votes in 2017.


From: Sandeep Heble <>

Are you happy with Goa's development scenario?(Gomantak Times, May 30)

Compared to its predecessor, the Government has fared a lot better.
However, compared to Parrikar's 2000 - 2005 tenure, this Government has
been a pale shadow. After 7 years of misrule by the previous regime, people
had plenty of hopes & aspirations & in Parrikar, they saw a man who could
deliver but sadly, this Government has fallen short to deliver on its
promises despite being in a comfortable majority. Posts of Lokayukta & RTI
commissioners have been filled only towards the fag end of the tenure which
should have been a priority for a Government which came to power on the
plank of Zero tolerance towards corruption. Wheels of administration are
moving slowly & files moving even slower from one table to another. For a
common man to get justice remains a distant dream with cases lingering in
courts and similar being the scenario on various other fronts. Goa, a world
renowned tourist destination, still has heaps of garbage along its streets,
which is disappointing. Sports infrastructure has been created but rarely
put to good use and no proper sports policy in place. Reforms are happening
at a very slow pace and very little is being done to bring about
substantial improvement in overall governance. When the proposed IT Park
will actually come up, nobody knows. On the brighter side, the Government
has given a lot of good schemes to the people and the health insurance
scheme for all its citizens is another feather in its cap. Construction of
wider roads, flyovers & bridges, infrastructure works, Smart city, etc. are
some of their positive efforts and achievements which need to be
appreciated. On a scale of 1 to 10, if I were to rate the previous
Government at 2, then I would rate present one at 4. Average at best but
short of expectations. With barely a few months to go now, the Government
needs to wake up & pull up their socks. Administration needs to be
overhauled and time bound delivery of services must become a reality rather
than being just another bill passed in the Assembly. What we expect the
Government to give us is a clean, beautiful and garbage free Goa with
eco-friendly Industries, job creation and incentives for the youth, proper
traffic management and public mobility plan, tougher laws and speedy
justice, a corruption free environment, friendly and responsive officers to
attend to public needs, crime control and good policing. Let?s hope they
are listening.

Sandeep Heble,

From: Aires Rodrigues <>

Today is Goa Statehood day but there is nothing to celebrate about. Goans
now  realize the trap they got into by craving for statehood. An illusion
gone awfully sour. With statehood the common man has lost but only the
politicians have become crorepatis. As a Union territory, we were ably
managed with 28 MLAs and a cabinet of four. Today Goa is totally mismanaged
with 40 MLAs and a jumbo cabinet of 12.

Very frankly the performance of the current BJP Government would have to be
rated at Zero, given that Goans were promised the moon with Zero Tolerance
to Corruption and Good Governance. It has been only U turns and rampant
corruption all the way. The cavalier manner in which the current BJP
government is heartlessly and mercilessly destroying Goa should be a matter
of great concern.

It is distressing to see and be witness to the continuing rampant
destruction and devastation of Goa. In 2012 the BJP had promised a
?Parivartan? and ?Acche Din?, but Goa is sadly by the day just getting
further corroded beyond recognition. It should have been the endeveaour of
those in power to at least salvage and safeguard what remains of Goa.
Unfortunately Goa is getting defaced at an electrifying speed. Posterity
will never forgive the current rulers for their selfish and dubious role in
this further irreparable damage and destruction of what was once a
beautiful Goa, the Paradise of the East. Sorrowing lies our Goa.

Aires Rodrigues

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