If the country is to be strong, the place to start is the lowly ward of a
If the Wards are strong, the Village becomes strong. If the Villages are
strong, the Constituency becomes strong. If the Constituencies become
strong, the State becomes strong. And if the States become strong, the
Country cannot help but be strong.

In this perspective, the National Parties are destroying the WARD. And if
this continues much longer, the Country is bound to go to DOGS.


On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 7:20 PM, Nelson Lopes <nellope...@gmail.com> wrote:

> National &Regional parties
> Gone are the days, when political parties had pan India presence,. Congress
>  Party was one such invincible monolith over six decades, Now BJP is
> nursing such grandiose ambitions, in spite of humiliating defeat in  Delhi,
> then in Bihar  with some consolation in Jamu Kashmir and Maharashtra. BJP
> may feel elated with coalition Govt. both in Kashmir and in Maharashtra,
> but are cases akin to sweet and sour  Chinese  pork and analogy of sour
> grapes . Now comes AAP on political horizon because of stunning success in
> Delhi is also trying to spread its wings too far and too early.AAP  came
> into prominence entirely due to popular movements like corruption, women
> issues that people identified with personally , coupled with disgusting
> records of National parties like BJP and Congress. AAP must consolidate its
> position in Delhi, where it is needlessly tickled  on every issue by BJP to
> discrete its overwhelming victory. Aspiring like National parties to find a
> slot at National is both unrealistic and over ambitious
> The  political flavor of the season is changing from coalition dharma to
> regional glorification and  to assert local ambitions. The national parties
> are centralized in administration and directions, holding a carrot and
> stick approach towards development and fund allotments .There is a remote
> control operations  to stamp decisions and outcomes with authority of high
> command and any dissent is crushed with iron hand. That philosophy is fast
> changing and is visible in election outcomes in states like West Bengal,
> TamilNadu, Maharashtra, Jammu Kashmir, Bihar  The experiments will be
> surely repeated in elections to be held much to the dismay of National
> parties going hammer and  tongs to assert its identity.The regional parties
> have more say and are closer to the pulse of the people and will be judged
> by their immediate promises and fulfillment . People visualize central
> party control as unconnected, unrelated ,unconcerned with eye only on
> winning elections for the party. The reason why the regional  parties are
> commanding majority are by announcing mind boggling  freebies on an
> unprecedented scale with opposition stretching further their promises. The
> effect on  financial economy and diversion of resources to unproductive
> activities is a drain that will bounce back  and haunt the voters in real
> time.The control on corruption, nepotism, favoritism not withstanding are
> the associated ills of this latest political dispensations The smattering
> presence of National parties either in retaining or getting a foothold are
> seemingly insignificant
> Unless the National   political parties see reality and wake up to join
> forces with regional parties, their ambitions will be doomed to fail. Two
> or three party rule in Indian politics is farfetched given the diversities
> of cast, creed, languages, customs, traditions, illiteracy and regional
> aspirations above National wellbeing. The only way the National parties can
> woe the electorate is by divide  and rule strategy which is fast losing its
> sheen.. We have to move away from majority votes to percentage of votes to
> decide the final outcomes.  Politics to day is becoming a most lucrative
> profession with ever increasing tax free benefits, besides wielding
> enormous  power, influence and position of social status. No wonder that
> only those who can win by financial and muscle power are assured of party
> tickets The way some  criminals, murderers, illiterate representing us is a
> shame and blot on National perspective
> Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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