Dear Friend,
In life we often like to consider ourselves as special, as elite, as people who 
are better than others, more knowledgeable, as God’s favoured ones. Conversely, 
we tend to look down on people different from us and exclude them from our 
relationships. God has different criteria from ours for entry into his kingdom. 
All are welcome to his kingdom! Have a weekend relishing his open invitation to 
his kingdom! -Fr. Jude
Sun Ref. XXI Sunday: “Strive to enter the narrow way! The last shall be first!” 
21-Aug-2016Isaiah 66: 18-21;          Heb. 12: 5-7, 11-13;          Luke 13: 

The first reading from the Book of Isaiah is a prophecy of consolation for the 
community of Israel gathered again after the exile, but who were still 
experiencing uncertainty about their future. The prophet proclaims a glorious 
future in which mankind’s covenant with God is opened to the whole human 
family. Returnees from every part of the then known world, who had been 
scattered would return to Jerusalem. Nations of every culture and race will 
lead the Israelites home. Salvation is extended to all the ends of the earth. 
For it is through holiness that one will enter the city of God.
All invited!A man newly admitted into heaven was being shown around by St. 
Peter, who pointed out to the many groups residing there. “They’re the Jews….. 
and those there are the Protestants…. and those are Hindus…and there are the 
Muslims.” After a while they arrived at an enclave surrounded by a high wall. 
From inside came sounds of laughter and singing “Who are they?” asked the new 
arrival. “Hush!” said St. Peter, “They are the Catholics –and they think they 
are the only ones in heaven!” – In today’s readings we are reminded that ‘Men 
and women from East and West, from North and South, will come to take their 
place at the feast in the Kingdom of God.’Francis Gonsalves in ‘Sunday Seeds 
for Daily Deeds’
Today’s gospel reminds us that we are on a pilgrimage to our heavenly home. But 
we must make sure that we are on the right path moving in the right direction! 
Will everyone reach their final destination? Will everyone be saved? Jesus 
never answers the question about the number to be saved. He stresses rather the 
effort to be made on the journey and that the way is narrow and not easy. 
Secondly, Jesus speaks about the closed door, namely people cannot take for 
granted that just because they are along the way, just because of set rituals 
and practices they will be saved. There is nothing that definitely guarantees 
automatic salvation. There are no reserved places, nor favoured people whose 
salvation is guaranteed. Yet on the other hand there are no people who are 
excluded from heaven. God has no favourites yet everyone is a favourite of God. 
Heaven will be full of surprises. Many who are despised will find themselves in 
heaven and many who considered themselves holy and better than others may not 
find themselves in heaven. The Jews had considered themselves as the chosen 
ones and that God was only the God of Israel. Jesus reminds them that many 
pagans and the prostitutes will enter the kingdom of God, while many who 
rejected the Messiah would be excluded from God’s kingdom. “Those who are now 
last will be the first, and those who are now first will be the last.”
The last shall be first!Barbara Hutton, the Woolworth heiress, was known as the 
‘Poor little rich girl.’ Since her mother died when she was five, Barbara 
Hutton described her childhood as an unhappy one. She said, “Though I had 
millions of dollars, I had no mother and no home.” Nor was her adult life a 
happy one. She was married seven times and was a princess three of those times. 
A virtual recluse, she died in 1979 at age 66. A newspaper article summed up 
her life with the words: “Barbara Hutton died unmarried and alone, a symbol of 
the cliché that money does not buy happiness.” By way of contrast, consider the 
life of Dorothy Day. She was known as “the mother of the faceless poor of the 
city’s off scouring.” She always felt she existed for a special purpose. She 
discovered that purpose when she became a Catholic at age 30 and dedicated her 
life to help the poor. Dorothy Day founded and edited the Catholic Worker 
newspaper, went to prison as a suffragist, and established farm communes and 
hospices for the dispossessed. When she died in 1980 at age 83, Time Magazine 
called her a “secular saint”. Barbara Hutton and Dorothy Day illustrate 
somewhat the proverb cited by our Lord today: “There are those now last who 
will be first, and those now first who will be last.”Albert Cylwicki in ‘His 
Word Resounds’
The narrow wayI think of what happens on the freeway or expressway when there 
is a bad accident. The police close off three lanes; only one single lane is 
open, which is like the narrow door. All the traffic slows down and at times 
comes to a complete stop because of the bottleneck. As I think of the narrow 
door Jesus refers to, I see people all bunched up like cars on the freeway, 
moving very slowly, trying to squeeze through the one open lane. Drivers are 
upset. They are fussing and fuming and making obscene gestures at each other. 
Cars and tempers are overheating. The bottleneck is a pain in the neck. Sin is 
like the accident on the freeway which causes all the trouble. This is not an 
inviting scene but is an image of what it means to get to heaven. I realize 
that only one person has to get to that door. That person is Jesus Christ. And 
through that door he has passed in the paschal mystery of the death and 
resurrection. We do not have to force our way through that door. All we have to 
do is make sure we are united with Jesus, who is the door to heaven.Charles 
Miller C.M. in ‘Sunday Preaching’
All yours! Inheriting the Kingdom!A wealthy man lost his wife when his only 
child was very young. A housekeeper came to work in the house, and take care of 
the boy. The boy died tragically at twenty years of age. The old man was 
without kith or kin, and he died of a broken heart some years later. He had no 
heir to his enormous estate, nor could one be found. In due course there was an 
auction to dispose off the personal effects of the mansion. The old housekeeper 
attended the auction, not because she could buy anything, but because her grief 
was too strong to keep her away. There was only one thing in the whole 
collection that attracted her attention. It was the photo of the son. She had 
loved him as her own. No one wanted the photo, so her few pence were enough to 
buy it. She brought it home and proceeded to take it from the frame. When she 
opened the back of the frame some papers fell out. They looked important, so 
she brought them to a lawyer. The lawyer looked at her and laughed saying “You 
have landed on your feet this time. The old gentleman has left all his estate 
and all his money to the person who loved his son enough to buy this picture.” 
Whoever gets the son gets everything!Jack McArdle in ‘And that’s the Gospel 
Which way shall I go?“To every person there opens a way;A high way, a middle 
way, and a low way.And the high soul takes the high way;And the low soul takes 
the low way;And in between on the misty flats,The rest drift to and fro.But to 
every person there opens a wayA high way, a middle way and a low way.And every 
person decidesWhich way his soul shall go.”Paraphrase of the poem by John 
May we discover daily the narrow way that leads to God!
 Fr. Jude Botelho botelhoj...@gmail.com
PS. The stories, incidents and anecdotes used in the reflections have been 
collected over the years from books as well as from sources over the net and 
from e-mails received. Every effort is made to acknowledge authors whenever 
possible. If you send in stories or illustrations I would be grateful if you 
could quote the source as well so that they can be acknowledged if used in 
these reflections. These reflections are also available on my Web site 
www.NetForLife.net Thank you.

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