September 1, 2016
Whilst strongly condemning the Goa Government for going ahead with awarding the 
Mopa Airport project bid in the face of stiff opposition from the people, Goans 
For Dabolim Only (GFDO) said that it was hardly surprising since this was 
absolutely in keeping with the BJP government’s dogged insistence on pushing 
ahead with the construction of an unnecessary and unviable airport at Mopa that 
will swallow up and destroy 84 lakhs square metres of scarce Goan land, much of 
which is fertile prime agricultural land. The 20 villa Terekhol Golf Course 
Resort, the Canacona to Pernem super highway and new Industrial Estates that 
will be required to provide the indispensable economic support to this airport 
are all symptoms of the malaise that afflicts the thinking of the State 
government, where the food and water security, future and quality of life of 
our generations to come are all sold off without consideration and appreciation 
of Goa’s biological capital – its forests, wildlife, ecology and biodiversity.

In the past four and a half years of its tenure, the BJP State government has 
been the architect of the wholesale and systematic destruction of Goa with its 
totally arbitrary and lackadaisical manner of functioning and its brazen 
adoption of flimsy and shallowly constructed policies like the IPB sthat 
undermine the very rule of law. GFDO pointed out that the BJP had been quick to 
attack environmental, economic and social destruction caused by flawed policies 
when it was in opposition. It now needs to explain to the people why it is 
continuing to perpetuate the same flawed policies without analyzing, 
questioning or correcting them. How can the Government destroy the Mopa plateau 
and its 46 fresh water springs without doing any studies on its bio diversity 
and eco sensitivity as shown in studies conducted by environmentalists? On what 
basis did the WRD issue an NOC to the Mopa Airport developer to cut into the 
Goan farmers’ water resources by drawing 5 MLD water from Goa’s share of the 
Tillari Irrigation Project? 

GFDO lamented that not only were farmers, agriculturists and dhangars of Mopa 
being displaced and faced with loss of their way of life and livelihood, but 
innumerable other Goans also faced the same fate with the demolition of homes 
and other structures and filling of fields that would be required to construct 
the six lane highway and other infrastructure needed to provide connectivity to 
this strangely located Airport in the far north of Goa in an “unsafe and 
inadequate location” according to the Chairman of the Siting Committee himself. 
It is shocking that the large scale filling of fields and low lying lands, loss 
of retention areas and drainage channels and cutting of hills is being 
undertaken without any scientific data on its impact on the environment, 
ecology, groundwater and flood levels of the State.

The Government should surely realize that it is highly unethical and 
reprehensible on its part to irresponsibly squander community resources and 
funds for a project of the magnitude of Mopa Airport with all its attendant 
implications for the State, without putting the Regional Plan in place first 
and before the issues raised in the three ongoing cases against it are resolved 
in Court. 
In a democracy, an elected government must address the issues raised by 
concerned citizens regarding massive projects involving vast tracts of 
community resources. However, although GFDO has made numerous attempts to 
debate and dialogue with the BJP government for three years now, it has been 
met with stony silence. The people of Goa are well aware that Mopa Airport is 
in reality a real estate scam in the making with 15 lakh square metres of land 
being gifted to the developer for pure real estate and commercial development 
at 2.5 FAR. 

It will be recalled that GFDO has made numerous representations to the 
Government and also written formally to the bidders cautioning them about the 
innumerable problems inherent in the unfeasible and destructive Mopa project. 
If the Parsekar Government is determined to play around with Goa’s community 
resources and if GMR has decided to plunge into this risky and unviable 
project, then the people of Goa will have no option but to stand firm in 
carrying on the long and bitter fight to its logical conclusion. After all, for 
Goa and its people, the stakes are much too high.
Eremito Rebelo Siddarth Karapurkar

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