Maria it is nice that you appreciated my mail on politics in Goa from
abroad. But whatever  our Goan writers write,  there is no chance that Goan
readers can read because most of the time these are not been published. I
do not know what is wrong with most of our local editors.

Now about Digna's son yout relative who died on motocycle accident near
Bambolim is due to rash and negligence driving by  an  outsider driver of a
big vehicle INNOVA who knocked him down. This case has lots of publicity in
the press.
Our politicians and the Tourism Dept are interested in tourism  in GOA and
we are the suffers not only by depriving our  essential commodities but
also cost of living going  high.Plus our roads are in bad shape, garbage
problem, environment damage ,corruption etc Goans cannot afford to  eat
fish, beef, mutton but only vegetables that too contaminated with sewage in
the fields in Taleigao.
This is the fate of our living in Goa.It is gone from bad to worst.

Stephen Dias
Dona Paula

Sent from my Samsung device

On 21 Sep 2016 05:36, "Maria Vaz" <> wrote:

Hi Stephen,

I sent you this email a few weeks ago, but it may have gone to an email you
no longer use? Not sure. Anyway, am re-pasting it to you now. Not sure if
you heard, but we just got the news this morning that Digna's son Kevoy
died in a motorcycle accident last night. I've sent a message to Kevia (his
sister) but not sure if she got it. We are still in shock. So tragic and I
think he has a young family now.

Hope you guys are well, especially Caroline.



Sent to you a few weeks ago..

Hi Steven and Caroline,

It's been ages since I wrote and I must admit that I have fallen behind
with keeping up with Steven's activist emails. Good on you Steven, keep up
the good work, but be careful too. I know that whatever you're trying to
achieve is in the interest of the common man. Not many people are bothered,
so it's commendable that you fight against corruption.

I see Karen's posts on facebook every now and then but besides that not
much news has crossed back and forth.

I hope you are both well and in good health. I am writing mainly to let you
know that our house will be completed by January next year so hopefully you
will visit us then. I really want you to be among the first ones that come
over. Marcus has indicated that he'll be here in June, so you could even
travel with him and Philo.

We are all well here, bit busy with the house building as we're living on
site whilst the extensions and demolitions have been taking place. Can't
wait till it's all over. Nathan and Naomi have both move to Canberra for
work, and Naomi has started studying law as well. she does this after work.
crazy schedule but she is managing fine.

Noah is in his third year of Media Communications and Law (doing a double
degree) so is also quite busy. What are your girls up to?

Caroline, how is your mobility these days? I'm sure you're as strong as
ever and always smiling no matter what.

By the way I've been in touch with your friend Mathews Pulican from time to
time and I feel really sad for him since his wife died. He seems lonely, so
I write to him whenever I can.

I guess life still happens when you're planning other things.

I'll end this short note to urge you and the girls to plan a trip here.
We've stayed with you so many times in Goa, it's about time you let us
spoil you both a bit.

Love to Caesar and Steven's family too. send me some news about Goa..

Kind regards,


*From:* Stephen Dias <>
*Sent:* Tuesday, 6 September 2016 8:02 PM
*To:* Sujay Gupta
*Cc:* editor; secretary herald; Michael- Manager Herald.; Alexandre Moniz


The Editor,
Sujay Gupta

Dear Sir,

Kindly consider my article in your esteemed paper O HERALDO -alongwith with
his text or no text whatever it suits you , Sir . (enclosed herein)
This has a narration from Arvind Kejriwal, AAP leader which appeared in the
Internet on 5th September 2016.
Hope you will publish as quickly as possible.
Kind regards

Yours faithfully,

Stephen Dias
Former NIO scientist
Dona Paula

AAP had a few tainted ministers, no doubt. They committed blunders
including one involved in a sex scandal, but Arvind Kejriwal sacked this
MLA involved immediately, which is to be appreciated. *Neither BJP, nor
Congress *party have ever taken such steps so quick, to remove those
involved in similar unacceptable action or cases. They either are suspended
or later reinstated with full salary and arrears. That is the action taken
after ascertaining the wrong done and not allowed him to continue, thereby
demonstrating that AAP will not tolerate illegalities. It is simple that
once you give them a chance to explain, that they hire the best of best
lawyers and turn black into white and twist the facts to their advantage,
and go scot free.   Do we want that? Whatever Arvind Kejriwal has done so
far, we need to appreciate and keep in mind that we need a change in
government in Goa and that also we need to keep them on watch and censure
their activities at the right time when they do wrong.

Who has been deputed to the Vatican from Goa? Only, Luizinho Faleiro ? I do
not have any idea of anyone else from the public who attended the
canonization. Definitely no politician from Goa or Independents formed part
of the delegation to the Vatican as per my knowledge. No Goan politician
has to my knowledge associated so closely with a charitable organization in
person and volunteered to work with such missionary zeal as Arvind Kejriwal.

Please refer to the below quote made by Arvind Kejriwal  and his entire
narration of his association with Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of
Charity which she founded in Kolkatta ( attached herein) :

Quote: I am extremely happy that the Mother has been bestowed with
Sainthood now. I am also happy to have been invited by the Vatican for the

My reaction: Kejriwal’s life has been influenced and touched by his
association with Mother Theresa and hope that Saint Teresa will bless
Kejriwal and his team to make Goa free from poverty and corruption.

Stephen Dias

Dona Paula

Mob: 9422443110

 [image: Mother Asked Me To Stroke The Dying So That They Would Feel The
Warmth Of Another Person – by Arvind Kejriwal]

It was November 1992. I was working with Tata Steel at that point—I had
appeared for the civil services exam the previous year and had been
selected for the Indian Revenue Service. In order to improve my rank, I
took the exam once again and so, that November, I had just finished my
mains. I already had IRS as an option, but my real keenness lay elsewhere.
I wanted to do social work. So I went to the Tata Steel management and
requested them to transfer me to their social welfare department—the wing
that does all its CSR work. They refused, saying they had hired me as an
engineer and wanted me to do engineering.

I resigned from Tata Steel and, following my natural desire, went to meet
the Mother in Kolkata. It was morning and there was a long queue of people
who wanted to meet her. She was meeting everyone for a few seconds. When my
turn came, she held my hand and asked me, “What do you want?” I said,
“Mother, I want to work with you.” She asked me to go to the Kalighat
Ashram—which was one of the important centres of the Missionaries of
Charity—and work there. I did as she told me.

Kolkata is a place where you have both extremes: extreme poverty as well as
extreme opulence (I don’t know whether the situation has changed now).
Those days, if you walked on the footpath you would find many beggars, some
of them in a terribly pitiable condition. There would be wounds on their
bodies, often worm-infested. Our job required us to move around the city
and bring such people to Kalighat Ashram and nurse them. Some of them would
be in a state of near-total physical disability so we would actually clean
their excreta, wash their clothes, nurse them, cook food for them and help
them eat.

Mother told us that these were people who had never experienced dignity in
life. She believed it would be a great service to God if we offered them at
least dignity in death. Most of them would be brought in when their
condition was so bad that it was clear they were in their last moments. A
volunteer would put the dying person’s head on his lap and stroke the
person with affection so that a dying human being could at least feel the
warmth of another—the final reassurance that someone actually cared for him
or her. I too had the chance to participate in and experience such moments
of communion.

“I resigned from Tata Steel and went to meet the Mother in Kolkata,”
recalls the Delhi CM.

There were times when a person would come to Mother Teresa’s house, get
healed and then go back to the streets, only to return in a worse state. I
asked Mother once, “Why don’t you provide them skills so that, after
getting healed, they can become self-sustaining?” She had a very simple
answer: “That is the job of the government and various other NGOs.” Her job
was to serve the people. By serving people, she was serving God. The whole
experience was a spiritual one for me. I stayed there for a few months,
till I got an interview call. I was happy that I could be there,
participating in her unique work. During my time there, I must have met
Mother a few times and each meeting was a spiritual experience. She was a
noble soul with a higher consciousness.

I still remember my routine at the Ashram. I was in the morning shift. We
would reach there at six in the morning. Our first job was to cook
breakfast for all the patients. Then we would serve them and help them have
breakfast, after which we would clean utensils. Some of them were bedridden
and we would clean their clothes every morning. Often their clothes were
completely filth-ridden. Regardless, we would clean them.

By then, it would be time for the next task—preparing lunch. Just like with
breakfast, we would cook, serve and help them have lunch. By this time, the
first shift for volunteers would be over and the second set would have come
in. It was a very tiring schedule—working without a break from six in the
morning till one or 2 pm. Volunteers used to come from all walks of life,
all kinds of people from all over the world. That was my first experience
of public service.

Mother said these were people who had never experienced dignity and it
would be a great service to God if we offered them dignity at least in

There was a huge turnover of volunteers—some would come for two to three
days, others for a week. Since no skill was required, anyone could come and
join as a volunteer. After my stint with Mother, I spent a couple of months
with Ramakrishna Mission before joining the academy. The RK Mission work
was different. We used to visit villages and campaign against alcohol and
promote self-help groups. During those days, I was staying with one of my
friends, Vikram Bhargava, who was also working with Tata Steel. I am still
in touch with him. He is in Lucknow now. I was from IIT-Kharagpur and
Vikram was from BIT-Ranchi. During my Kharagpur days, I never really
thought about going to Mother Teresa. That desire took hold of me when I
was at Tata Steel. After passing out from the IITs, people normally go
abroad. A large chunk of my batch mates too went abroad. In fact, I took
the civil services exam because I thought civil services would offer me the
chance to do something for the country.

When I went to Nagpur for training at the National Academy of Direct
Taxes—that is where IRS trainees go—I found out that there was a Mother
Teresa ashram very close to our academy. I had met Sunita, my wife, at the
academy—we used to go to the ashram every weekend. We kept up with that
routine religiously all the while we were there. The Nagpur ashram was
different. Unlike the Kalighat ashram where volunteers did a lot of work,
the Nagpur one was run by nuns. So we didn’t have much to do there. In
Delhi, there is an ashram at Majnu ka Tila, but I have managed to go there
only once or twice. Unfortunately, we could not continue with the visits
the way we could those days. At Civil Lines too, there is an ashram for
children. We have been there a couple of times.

I am extremely happy that the Mother has been bestowed with sainthood now.
I am also happy to have been invited by the Vatican for the ceremony.


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