A very laudable initiative and continuing undertaking.

Congratulations to you, the other founders and past and present supporters. 
This is what progress is all about.

Roland Francis

> On Oct 11, 2016, at 12:31 PM, Nelson Lopes <nellope...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Looking back with pride and with hope to the future
> “PEOPLE OF CHINCHINIM WARDS” ,unregistered Association was founded in 1971.
> The aim then was to encourage students not to migrate to city schools, as
> local schools were facing number crunch .It did convey a message of
> recognition, appreciation and encouragement, when none existed at that time
> .Students of St Boscos, H.S, ;Mount Mary`s H.S.; St Mary of the Angels H.S,
> Assumpta H.S Sarzora were eligible .The first awards were only for the
> first student in each school at the SSCE . The funds were generated yearly
> through activities. Associated actively with the movement in the early
> stages were late Constance D Costa, late Mr. Carmo Lopes; Mr Cyril Maria
> Pereira;Mr Olavo Cotta; MrVivian Almeida; eng AXE Gomes.,Mr Nelson Lopes
> and Mr Fideles S M Pereira
> The P.C.Trust is registered under No.1652/06 on 3-4-2006 and accumulated
> funds of Rs 5.23,400=of the previous Organization were transferred to the
> Trust to continue the specified schemes.The Trustees are Mr Nelson Lopes,
> Mr Fideles SM Pereira,Mr Cipriano Lopes, Mrs Leena Sequeira Lopes; Late Eng
> Sorenson E.Gracias ( Mr Antoniel Lopes, New Trustee). There is provision
> for Board of seven Trustees any one desirous of joining to strenghten the
> Trust is welcomed
> Fr.Oscar Melo Furtado prize added in 1976,First in Science and Social
> Science 1978;Science scholarship in 1980;School Text Books fund in
> 1971;Frst in Std XII arts and Science in 1978; Teacher award in 1994
> ELDERS. The activities have brought joys, smiles on the grateful students,
> parents, donors and the villagers. This motivation through cash incentives,
> citations is the unique feature of Chinchinim Village
> The Schemes of P,C.Trust are as follows. A –prizes to the SSCE students for
> standing I.II, III on merit, B-First Boy/Girl in Chinchinim, & in all
> schools, First student, first in Kon, First Boy in Assolna ,Velim.
> Chinchinim C- First & Second in all subjects, D- First in Std XII Arts
> &Science E-- 6 scholarships to continue degree courses in Science,
> including medicine and engineering &-Commerce F—Medical assistance and free
> check up; Financial assistance for uniforms, text books, and other school
> materials G—help to village elders through S.V.P. H—Teacher awards for Sec,
> primary, Pre primary teachers and special awards sponsored by local Banks
> ,also Rev Canon Antimo Gomes for 3 teachers of D.S.E schools. I—Sports
> awards in cash for Best Boy/Girl,in football, Music, and Chess . The
> recipients of all awards, assistance have compulsorily to express gratitude
> and inform the donors and is a part of our process
> P,C.Trust . area of operation is Chinchinim _Deussau, Panchayat , Sarzora
> and Dramapur, Sirlim .Some schemes are limited to specific area as per
> donors wishes, but most others based on strict merit.
> The P.C.Trust donors are eligible for 50 %deduction U/S 80G of I.Tax The
> Trust fund stand at 20 lakhs 60 thousands for the year ending 2013-14. The
> accounts of the Trust must be compulsorily audited by C.A and the Trust has
> to file annual returns. The prizes and minimum expenses are distributed out
> of interests and citations are issued with all prizes
> The P.C.Trust is encouraged , inspired by generous donations, appreciation,
> acknowledgement, trust of our well wishers, benefactors, gratitude of
> students ,parents , school managements and the Villagers and constitutes
> our prime motivation to continue services and enlarge the range of
> activities in future
> Nelson Lopes
> Founder Chairman
> P.C.Trust
> <https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=768019523260322&set=a.262587927136820.72841.100001568433387&type=3>

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