Wrt to this from VJP: "This is how one may just get the police to back off from 
hammering GOANS "

Under normal circumstances, VJP, it would be  reasonable to expect that. Sadly, 
the whole process of recruitment a la 'vozonn' is a deterrent to such a 

It is my impression that there is NO rapport between the police and the Goan 
populace. The problem possibly originates at the top and filters 'down ticket'. 
Not very sure what the training and backgrounds of the rank & file and the top 
brass are. Watching videos of their actions against non-violent Goan protestors 
hardly justifies any hope in a 'Police Parivartan'. Besides, it is highly 
unlikely that the average Goan will protest en masse in favour of the 
police.....and the politicians are quite aware of that. They just might believe 
that they themselves might be lathi-charged by the very police they are 
peaceful protesting in support of, and that some of the protest leaders might 
even be Bismarked !

A lot has been rightly made of the unhygienic 'kitchens' in which the food for 
the police was prepared. Aires and GHRC are quite right to raise cane about it. 

The operative QUESTION is : Are Goans who frequent the various Eateries all 
around Goa provided with food cooked in any better surroundings?

> On Oct 18, 2016, at 11:39 PM, Venantius J Pinto <venantius.pi...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> This is awesome. Lwhen they realize that indeed Goans are “ajeeb” in that
> they care for the Police force/the constabulary — without direct
> intervention of them having to undergo Vipassana!
> Its time that higher-ranking police officials had their say, and showed
> their appreciation. In the sum total, it all counts.
> At the very least our women will not be hammered by boorish police
> officials. But I forgot that Inspectors are of our own extraction.
> Pun bammtte zalear’ui zaunk shakta ritiche, ani sot korneache. Niyall
> korat.
> Thank you Aires. Thank you GHRC.

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