Hey Rico, 

I could be tempted, but I ask again - 
Could we not try a more upmarket venue this year, 
with more ambience and better food? Appreciate the 
concept of the annual meet-up, but find it dreary in the 
socialist surroundings you choose (communal halls mostly), 
ending up with the tired faces slung with '70's jute-bags:) 

I know your formulae encourages equitability for the price 
of a cup of tea (and maybe a dying bhajia), in keeping with 
Rico's SAGE philosophy (Sadha And Gandhian Equality), 
but can we do something different this time around? 

The ball is in your coat!
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2016 23:29:33 +0530
From: Frederick FN Noronha *  ????????? ???????? * ??????? ???????
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: [Goanet] Who's in Goa this year-end? (Dec 27,  2016 ...
        planning a Goanetters' meeting)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hello all: It's that time of the year when we thank you for being part of
Goanet for the past 365 days (well, almost) and would like to meet up with
those who are visiting Goa at this time of the year.

If you're in Goa this year-end, and are open to a brief, informal meet up,
feel free to drop me a line. The meeting will probably be on  Dec 27
(Tuesday), 2016, and we'll let you know the venue soon. Watch this space.
Plans being finalised.

FN/Frederick Noronha
Volunteer, Goanet
9822122436 (pls SMS if you catch me sleeping at an odd hour)
_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556

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