*125th Anniversary of Tiatr*

*27 tiatr artistes felicitated in Pernem taluka*

Panjim: 125th Anniversary of Tiatr Celebrations Committee and Tiatr Academy
of Goa celebrated 125th Anniversary of Tiatr with a special felicitation
function at the open air hall of Mount Carmel Church, Arambol on January 4.
The tiatr artistes from Pernem taluka, who have contributed to the
development of tiatr were felicitated on the occasion.

Ashok Parab, deputy director of Art and Culture department was the chief
guest and Joe Rose, a veteram tiatr artiste was the guest of honour.
Tomazinho Cardozo, chairman of Celebration Committee and Agostinho Temudo,
president of TAG graced the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion, the guest of honour, Joe Rose reminded the
gathering that more than the awards, the biggest reward is the audience who
has come all along supporting tiatr and the tiatrists. “No doubt, work of
the writers, directors and artistes cannot be ignored, but if audience is
not there, tiatrs will not exist. Hence the audience support has to be
appreciated,” he added.

The chief guest, Ashok Parab congratulated the felicitated artistes and
asked the tiatr fraternity to continue contributing towards the tiatr as it
is the local art, which needs to be preserved and flourished for prosperity.

The tiar artistes who were felicitated included Minguel de Arambol, Gemma
de Morjim, Yeshwant Narayan Tembkar, Alexin de Morjim, Jerry D Britto,
Jackson, Lorna de Morjim, Aires de Arambol, Peter Rodrigues, Pascoal Joao
Mascarenhas, Gabriel Fernandes, Elias Simao Fernandes, Peter Cardozo, Alex
Mestri, Sir Peter, Francis de Mandrem, Constancio Dias, Pascoal Fernandes,
Natty Fernandes, Francis Coelho, Sebastiao D Rodrigues, Morris D Fernandes,
Cosma Fernandes, Domnick de Arambol, Musician Babush, Ratna Salganvkar
and Alesin

After the felicitation programme, a tiatr 'Dirvem' written and directed by
Edmund Vaz and which won the first prize at Kala Academy’s Group B Tiatr
Competition was staged. The function was compered by Michael Gracias. He
was ably assisted by William Fernandes and Irene Cardozo, who extended help
in providing knowledge about various tiatr artistes at the time of the

*Tomazinho Cardozo*


125th Anniversary of Tiatr Celebration Committee

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