There were so few articles written in Goa about Antonio Costa, PM of Portugal,  
during his recent visit to his ancestral homeland.  It is my understanding that 
the main reception was at their home of his aunt and cousins.   There were no 
banners of "Welcome Home" and other Konkani words of pride and good wishes. 
>From what I figure, his father is 100 percent Goan.  So for a PM of a European 
>country, the PM of Portugal cannot get any more son of the  Goan soil.
Compare the enthusiasm of the Prime Minister's reception in Goa to the 
reception of Presidents John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan received on their visit 
to Ireland (both distant descendants).  And compare the reception Pope John 
Paul II received on his visit to Poland.
All those who complain about loss of Goan identity, should truly bow their 
heads in shame.  Surely these folks are going to blame the Delhi Government.
Regards, GL

Paulo Colaco Dias wrote:

It is true that Antonio Luis Santos da Costa (commonly known as Antonio Costa) 
is currently the 119th Prime Minister of Portugal 
( and he is of Goan origin.

However, even Antonio Costa seems to be unaware that his 4th direct cousin 
Alfredo Jorge Nobre da Costa who is registered in the history books as the 
106th Prime Minister of Portugal 
( was also of Goan origin 
(as you can see from the Wikipedia reference).

Antnio Costa and Alfredo Nobre da Costa are 4th direct cousins, which means 
that they have the same great-great-great-grand-parents whose names were 
Antonio do Rosario Gonzaga Alvares and Maria Josefa Esperanca Alvares. This 
information can be extracted by several genealogy sites, including 

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