From: b sabha <>

From: felix rebello <<>>


What does it mean to be responsible? Who and what are we responsible for? Are 
we only responsible for ourselves? Our family? Our community? What about the 
mountains, the rivers, and the land? Who takes responsibility for them? If you 
are Piyush Sethia, then you take responsibility for all of it.

For further reading click -<> - go to GEM 
E-NEWSLETTER section and read the latest GEM-7/17 - A RESPONSIBLE ACT.

Read in this issue of the GEM other interesting and educative articles like, 
Perfect pen drive; Mumbai's Minara Masjid goes green; Concrete chokes 20 trees 
in Mumbai's green lung; Delay in marking pvt forests leads to degradation of 
green cover; From addiction to ordination to the priesthood; Marry before you 
are 25, a bishop in Kerala tells and so on.

Visit the above website also for various resource materials like PPTs on 
various environmental issues, Eco Quizes, Bible Study; Monthly Bible Quiz, 
liturgical articles and quizzes, group games, puzzles for kids, jokes, stories 

Forwarding this mail to your contacts is your small contribution in bringing 
awareness amongst the readers on the important issue of 'Protection of 

Fr Felix Rebello

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