Who in his right mind will object to not reviewing licenses of bars
and restaurants located within 500 metres from State and National
highways in Goa from April 1? Unbelievable but true - the Congress
Party in Goa.

Do lives of people in Goa matter at all? Which wag said votes are
everything? Does human life have any value for the Congress Party? If
Goa is a tourist state does it mean bars can be located anywhere and

Not often does the government make an intelligent (read: common sense)
decision let alone a decision which helps protect human life and the
environment. Our cars belch smoke which is good for our health since
it is free unlike drugs? Little respect for human life and none at all
for the environment?

Fast cars and living in the fast lane is progress. Have one for the
road and drive recklessly even on highways. Is there no difference
between a reel life and real life? All is maya except money.

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