Roland Francis:
Marshall, the roof hasn't fallen down on India since Modi became Prime
Minister, as you might have thought would happen.

Roland, I am beginning to get convinced that you are green behind the ears
on matters relating to politicians and political affairs. Your latest post
is a prime example of this. You appear far removed from reality and
situations on the ground.

Though the roof may not have fallen since Modi took over,( and I never said
or thought that it would) the credit for this should go to the founders and
framers of the Indian Constitution and the early governments who laid a
sound foundation with checks and balances, rather than to Modi.

To show you how much you are out of touch with reality, I will illustrate
upon a few points.

1. Black money / Liquidity: Contrary to your information, though banks are
flush with cash deposits, there are no borrowers. As a result, deposit
rates have fallen, hurting the people once again. Moreover, due to
demonetisation,many medium and small scale units suffered tremendously, as
a result of which there are many more bad loans. Thus landing a double
whammy to banks.

2. Real estate: Though real estate prices have remained more or less stable
since the demonetisation due to lack of demand, there is no change
whatsoever in the way of dealing. Transactions have certainly fallen but
there is no change in rates. Builders are simply biding their time till
enough currency is available in the market. There is no fear of Modi. They
only collaborate. Do not rely on PR.

3. Persecution complex: While I do admit that sometimes there is an element
of persecution complex, to pretend that there is none is to live in la la
land.  It appears that living in foreign lands where comfort, safety and
security is assured, one loses one's bearings about the situation back
home. Muslims face persecution daily. I am witness to this. Dalits and
adivasis too face violence daily whether one calls this persecution or not.
I am witness to this too. While Christians in large towns and cities are
fairly insulated, those who live in rural and remote areas face violence
and persecution all the time.These have been well documented. Please read
the USCIRF Report. Parsis and Jews being too miniscule and well off have
never had trouble now or before. Therefore the comparison with them is

4. Modi as world leader: A leader is a person who takes all his people
along. A good leader does not discriminate. The BJP does not have a single
muslim MP in the Lok Sabha. The BJP has not given a single candidate from
the muslim community a ticket for fighting elections for the assembly in
UP. I do not know from where you derived that world leaders respect Modi.
Observing protocol is not synonymous with according respect. Had he been
respected, India would not have had to struggle to get admission in various
global forums. Do not get misled by PR and Event Management. They are no
substitute for hard core diplomacy and hard work.

5. Reforms: Modi has no clue on governance. He has not initiated a single
reform. All that he has done is repackage UPA policies and market it as his
own. Whether it be MNREGA, Aadhar, Smart City, Digital India, Swatch
Bharat, etc. The only action of his own ie. demonetisation has thrown a
growing economy into disarray. He has stifled institutions like the SC,
CBI, Lok Ayukta, CIC. Appointed third rate people to head Universities,
FTII, NID,IIT's, IIM's,  hounded independent journalists, thrown out
opposition governments through extra-constitutional means, etc. I can go on
and on.

And as Raghuram Rajan aptly said, "in the land of the blind, the one eyed
is King". That sums up your impression that 'Modi is a shining star'.


Ps: In case you desire I can provide you with weblinks of newsarticles,
reports, etc to support my views.

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