Now, now Louise, I take exception to your characterization of old Goan men 
with internet facility.  I am old (78 years), have and have had Internet 
facility probably from its inception, AND I live in Goa.  I enjoy the postings 
of Roalnd Francis, Marshall MendozaDr. Jose Colaco, Con Menezes and others who 
perhaps are not as geriatiic as I am.  I may not agree with all the postings, 
and take many of them with a big grain of "mith", but I find them enlightening 
and informative.  Wny are you so bitter about the postings on Goanet ?  If you 
don't like them, you have the option of delete or bail out of this forum.  I 
have been around almost from the inception of GoaNet and have seen various 
"characters" come and go, some out of their own choice, and some having been 
showed the door.  The moderators do a fairly good job to ensure that the 
"crazies"do not take over this forum.Goanet has served the Goan diaspora well 
for over two decades, and hopefully for many more years o come.

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