Dr. Eduardo Faleiro in his scholarly and well researched posting, states that 
disharmony among religions will lead to conflicts in India.  I do not dispute 
this premise.  However, in India as well as many other countries on this earth, 
 I am convinced that conflicts will begin earlier because of the scarcity of 
Water and Global warming.  Global warming is already causing crop failures 
which is of course related to scarcity of water, and failure of the monsoons.  
In india, competition for scarce river water is alreadycausing problems between 
Goa and Maharashtra and Karnataka, between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, and 
between Haryana and Punjab. Similar conficts are brewing between China and 
India with China damming the source of the mighty Brahamaputra,\ and we have 
heard rumbles about the sharing of river waters between Pakistan and India. .As 
draught and famine strike parts of India there will be mass migration between 
the famine stricken areas and areas perceived to have sufficient water.It is 
nearly 4 months before the monsoons arrive in Goa, and already several areas of 
the state are facing water scarcity.This may be partially due to in-adequate 
water distribution systems.  However the rampant concretization of Goa with 
mega construction projects and housing coming up everywhere is putting a severe 
strain on water resources, and causing the diminishing of ground water aquifers.

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