From: bcsabha.kalina <>

The Catholic Church’s attempts to go 
Engagement with environmental issues is not a new thing for the church.

Last month, 44 women from south Asian countries met at St Pius College, a 
Catholic seminary in a Mumbai suburb, to discuss their perspective on climate 
change and its impact on vulnerable populations.

Engagement with environmental issues is not a new thing for the church. More 
than two decades ago, before global warming and climate change received the 
attention the subjects now get, Pope John Paul II, the then head of the church, 
had made pleas about respecting nature. Pope Francis, the current head, has 
warned about climate change and its implications on human life. In Laudato Si, 
a document that he released in June 2015, the Pope wrote about environmental 
degradation and global warming, and called for action to mitigate the problem.

The concern for the environment has found support in the local church. The 
Mumbai diocese has a bishop who heads an Archdiocesan Office for Environment. 
This year, the archdiocese of Bombay has asked Catholics to observe a ‘carbon 
fast’ during the 40-day Lent season, which begins on March 1, to create 
awareness about global warming and the importance of a sustainable lifestyle. 
Every parish in Mumbai has been given a day when they will incorporate 
environment-saving practices into their activities.

Some decisions taken at the January meeting are important: the participants 
have pledged to propagate information on climate change in their newsletters 
and in schools run by the church. Some ideas that will be implemented are 
conventional: kitchen gardens in schools, recycling of waste water, planting 
indigenous trees in afforestation programmes, forgoing firecrackers at 
celebrations, and avoiding the use of plastic ‘use and throw’ plates and 

Other ideas are more exceptional: leaving more surfaces in compounds and 
grounds without concrete (to allow rain water to seep into the ground and 
recharge groundwater), restricting excessive withdrawal of groundwater, 
treatment of sewage before it is discharged into natural water bodies, 
energy-efficient electrical appliances, promoting use of shared or public 
transport and avoiding the use of personalised transport.

Astrid Lobo Gajiwala, a doctor and a lay Catholic theologian who was one of the 
delegates, explained why the issue of climate change needed a woman’s 
perspective. “Because women are affected the most by climate change, 
particularly in rural areas; women go in search of water, firewood and they put 
food on the table. All these activities are affected by climate change,” said 
Lobo Gajiwala. “When the environment is degraded they have to walk farther and 
farther to search for water and firewood.”

It is said that educating a woman is educating a family. This is something 
similar, said Lobo Gajiwala.

There are sceptics within the church who feel that the environment programmes 
are acts of tokenism. “I have seen functions at a church (a pilgrim centre in 
the city) where pilgrims are served refreshments in paper cups that are 
discarded after one use. Is it environment-friendly to cut trees for paper? Why 
do they not have cups that can be cleaned and used again?” asked a parish 
priest from a south Mumbai church. “People who talk about carbon fasts do not 
hesitate to use air-conditioned cars for every trip.”

Lobo Gajiwala felt feels that considering the vast reach of the Catholic Church 
– with 1.3 billion members, that is more than a sixth of mankind, thousands of 
schools, hospitals and universities – the environmental ideas coming from this 
global institution will have a far-reaching impact. The influence could travel 
beyond the community as some of the institutions, especially the schools and 
universities, are used by other groups. “The priest does have a point (that 
there is tokenism), but it will take time for the ideas to seep in. When the 
official (church) machinery is promoting it, the ideas will sink in,” said Lobo 
Gajiwala. “The official mandate is now there. Machinery has been put to the 
service of this ideal.”

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