From: AF P <>

This letter finally explains the situation. If you are clear from the
start, you will get people on your side. The first question: Who is
authorization to make the purchase decision? The decision maker is
responsible for bad outcomes and takes credit or money well spent. If
Purchase Offices are getting a commission, that's the issue its not the
bulbs. If installation and allocation is an issue, then that needs to
be addressed. Indians seem to me to be tiring to fix a bent system in
a very round about manner. How we would do it in Canada may be different,
but the requirements are the same and solutions should be too. Why
doesn't India have the best administration system compared to the next 100
countries reviewed?  Its easy kind of info to get and examine it. As
easy as specifications for LED
bulbs and fixtures ... RIT to fix a bulb? There is a joke: How many
does it take to change a light bulb... As indicated, it would seem,
many people, mult-levels of government, the courts, and 100
years to change the prevailing procurement culture...

Albert Peres

On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 3:27 AM, Stephen Dias <> wrote:
> Dear Albert Peres,
> Look I have worked in the Govt dept as scientist in Instrumentation section,
> and I was dealing with the procurement of quite number of sophisticated
> equipment and I know how things move in the purchase sections.

> Stephen Dias
> Dona paula

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