Nothing but praise and admiration for Ayres's selfless efforts and
the guts he has to take on the so-called 'High & Mighty'.

Mervyn Maciel

On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 1:10 AM, BT Yahoo Mail <>

> *Advocate Aires Rodrigues continues to render sterling service to the
> citizens of Goa by revealing the recent unsavoury antics of the ruling
> party (BJP).*
> *First (Part 1) he informed us about the illegal meeting organised at the
> airport by the BJP Chief/Emperor Amit Shah on 1st of July. He then promptly
> filed a complaint. The Chief Minister of Goa was among those ordered to
> appear at the meeting. Apparently this CM hasn't had the civility to
> explain **to the people of Goa **how the meeting came about. And how has
> the local press reacted?*
> *Next (Part 2), Aires filed another complaint against the BJP for defacing
> public property in Goa's capital, Panjim. In his own words,*
> "the BJP had blatantly and illegally defaced public property in many
> parts of Panaji by illegally putting up
> banners, posters and flags without the requisite permissions and further
> denying the CCP its much needed revenue.
> This illegal and very highhanded act of the BJP was obviously in
> connivance and collusion with the officials of the CCP who conveniently
> failed to uphold the law...  Panaji over the weekend had witnessed complete
> and gross abuse of power by the BJP with CCP officials acting as stooges of
> the ruling party, "
> *Part 3: the indefatigable Aires didn't stop there. He discovered details
> about the plan for the fateful meeting of 1st July and posted on GoaNet:*
> " Goa’s Dabolim Airport was meticulously pre-planned four  days earlier
> while maintaining total secrecy knowing that such a meeting was prohibited
> by law. That Airport public meeting was therefore not included in Amit
> Shah’s two day Goa itinerary which was circulated in advance to the press.
> With Amit Shah scheduled to arrive at 11.15 am, the officials of the
> Electricity department and the PWD were there at 9.30 am to quickly set up
> the stage, red carpet and the sound system.
> So despite all this, the very devious BJP today have the audacity to claim
> that the meeting was spontaneous and the arrangements were made at the last
> minute by the party workers."
> It is clear that the BJP seniors consider themselves above the law and are
> prepared to organise any event that suits their agenda. And they expect all
> the minions of the state to fall in line. What might they do next? One can
> conjecture that they might order saffron goons or vigilantes at short
> notice to descend on a selected Goa village (or even church) and disrupt an
> ongoing function. An ominous development.
> Goan Christian folks need to be prepared for the worst in a newly imposed
> Hindu Rashtra.
> How do Goans react to Aires' revelations? Sadly, there's hardly been been
> any comment on GoaNet.
> Eddie

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