I was a Herald citizen journalist and many of my issues pertaining to
Panjim were published and most of them were taken cognizance of by the CCP
and the Government and even the Court, thanks to Herald.  After that all of
a sudden, for reasons not known I was shunted out and most of my complaints
for Panjim were not considered or published.
I have no issues but many people ask me why I do not write to Herald as
they used to appreciate all my letters but now see them very rarely - only
once in a month or two months - that too if I am  lucky.
Today, I decided once again to send some photos to Herald because I read
today ( 4th July)  the complete story of Miramar - Dona Paula upto Raj
Bhavan which was covered by your good reporter/s.
I have still hopes that my contribution to Herald will be appreciated and
considered by the Management.
Let me give two set of complaints which may be taken up one by one at the
discretion of Editor. In case it is not published in the Citizen journalist
page then I will seek other newspapers help, as I am very much active for
Panjim woes as I am a watch dog similar to the watchdogs watching over the
GF alliance with the BJP.

CCP has been telling the Panjimites that some Gaddas are approved and were
allowed to stand in Miramar area or designated places but what we see is
that they are on the footpaths at Miramar, and a number of vehicles park on
the roads with two or three laning. Also I happened to see a number of
gaddas (I don't know whether they are also approved or not) selling their
stuff inside the children park area near Panjim Municipal garden or church
square just opposite to Kamat Hotel. In Portuguese times we had a Municipal
building there which was later razed. Also one single migrant gadda is
permanently seen at the Caranzalem garden footpath, whereas some gaddas in
Caranzalem and Dona Paula owned by Goans were not allowed. Such
discrimination should not be permitted.
Photos are attached

                                    SLABS FOR GUTTERS ARE INADEQUATE

I have seen number of covers/slabs which are fitted for gutters in Panjim
to ensure that any plastic material, dirt or mud does not enter into the
gutters. Unfortunately these are not adequate in design. The photos show
that there are varieties in design from the engineering point of view.
These need to redesigned so that the Mayor and MLA does not have to waste
their time supervising the work. (I keep looking photos of them in the
newspapers supervising this work)
The gaps are so wide in some places that I have seen tourists stuffing
things into them. Also mosquitoes are breeding and spreading. This is a
malaria/dengue hazard. Health authorities are not paying attention.
Every three months in a year I feel that the CCP has to open up these slabs
which currently are very heavy and make it a difficult task for the
workers. Lots of expenses are incurred for the purpose. To avoid such
wastage of funds, the civil engineering experts must study and find out
some solution so that Panjim is kept clean.
Please see the photos of variety of slabs/covers.

Stephen Dias
Dona Paula / Panjim resident
Date 4th July 2017

Note: Herald is free to Edit if required.

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