From: Frederick FN Noronha 

On Monday, the local Met office came out with its weather forecast "for five 
days" and said "light to moderate rain/thundershowers is (sic) most likely to 
occur at most places over Goa state during (the) next five  days".  Of course, 
this is the monsoons, so it's going to be "light to moderate 
rain/thundershowers". That is a vague choice of rain possibilities.
GL responds:
Silly question:  For the vast majority of Goans how does the daily weather 
forecast help in planning their day?
Unless one is going our to sea (for what every reason) the mid-monsoon weather 
forecast is a forgone fact of life.
Unless in the extreme, in the USA the mid-winter daily weather forecast is only 
helpful for those traveling and those into skiing.
Regards, GL

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