Marshall Mendoza wrote:
. What is special in atheism that in the last couple of centuries the most
barbarous lot happened to be atheists like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Il
Sung, Hitler, etc. who killed and butchered millions and millions of people
and brought misery to the world
He has merely listed the official enemies of the West. But what of the crimes 
of the Christian West? There is lot of material on this subject. Let me quote 
from a great scholar, novelist & philosopher, Andre Vltchek:
Europe has not been built by the exertions and honest labor of the European 
people.  It was built on the enslavement of colonized peoples; it is built on 
the unimaginable horrors visited on those hundreds of millions of men, women 
and children, who were slaughtered mercilessly by the colonial European powers. 
It is built through oppression, terror, and almost exclusively, on theft and 

European colonialists ‘Open veins of Latin America’. They stole everything they 
could lay their hands on; in what is now Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, Chile, 
Mexico and so many other places in Latin America. Some of the stolen gold was 
used to decorate the Vatican Churches and basilicas. The Spanish forced the 
native Bolivians to mine the silver. Nearly 10 million perished in the process. 

Europe committed slaughters that are unimaginable in today’s times, like those 
by the Belgian king, Leopold II, who was responsible for around 10 million lost 
lives in Congo, in the days when Congo had just a fraction of the population 
that it has now.

Here are some references:
Are Europe’s Horrid Crimes Forgiven?

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Are Europe’s Horrid Crimes Forgiven?
 A Shameful Obession  |  |



Genocides, Not Wars

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Genocides, Not Wars
 Western Wars, Not Really Wars  |   |



Greece – And the Horror of Europe: Information Clearing House - ICH

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Greece – And the Horror of Europe: Information Clearing House - ICH
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