Goa Forward supremo, MLA and Cabinet Minister Vijay Sardesai is ready,
set and going full speed to change the history of the wholesale fish
markets in South Goa. He appeared to be successful with the fish
market in Margao until the latest report: vegetables are also sold at
the SGPDA!

The operative word is organization. It appears there is no problem and
lack of space for retailer fish venders to fish in trouble waters by
selling their fish in a wholesale market, including vegetable venders.
Tell me, since when are vegetables the same as fish? Why has this been
going on for so long is nothing less than a mystery wrapped in a

Or maybe the explanation is simple? We Goans are allergic to
organization, and lack discipline in a majority of situations. While
for too long Goans have been muddling along, it is not possible to
continue in this way any longer because of logistics, be it inside the
wholesale market or outside on the road where the issue might be to
helmet or not to helmet, among others.

Goa has changed but have Goans changed? A recent newspaper report
informs us how Canacona farmers are selling their organically grown
fruit and vegetables on the roadside, putting their lives, as well as
consumers, at risk. A bumper crop, we're told, and no market to sell
their fruit and vegetables? Unbelievable, but then this is Goa!

Everybody is doing their own thing. Where is the community spirit? Any
success in promoting Goemkarponn needs to be imbued with a sense of
cooperation. Otherwise, it is doomed to failure. The Forest Department
claims the farmers have encroached on forest land. If so, has the
Forest Department been hibernating all this time? Lack of doing one's
job properly creates a weak link in the chain of organization, and
compounds any problem further. When in trouble, pass the buck, and the
consumer can go to hell.

Goans import everything today. What doesn't come from outside the
State? Even our two iconic food staples, coconut and fish are imported
from other states! That coconut prices are going through the roof is
known to everyone. That Vijay Sardesai wants to buy coconuts directly
from growers is good thinking, and going beyond development!

Vijay Sardesai has spoken grandly of 'liberating' the wholesale market
from retailers before Liberation Day which is December 22. If he can
pull it off he deserves our greatest admiration for overcoming a major
hurdle as unruliness is a part of the Goan DNA. If he fails, he might
have to be 'liberated'.

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