To cover costs associated with the name change suggested here, a gift of 
Rs. 110,000 has been offered by Rev. Msgr. Tom Popkin Duffy of 
It is true this fine institution is poorly named. The term "Christian
art" is alienating, inadequate and strictly inaccurate. The marvellous
objects in this collection were created from seamless interplay
between East and West, moulded by hands belonging to artisans of every

If you look with open eyes, you will find Krishna, as well as the
Nagadevata, along with Islamic motifs. Thus "Sacred Art" would be
better, and "Museum of Old Goa" even more to the point. But while the
name change is necessary, it would only affect perception. The reality
is already a first-class display of artistry of the highest order:
painting, sculpture, embroidery, ivories, silver. The museum is
absolutely priceless.


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