Gabe,This is one of the first songs a teenager learns when he wants to play in 
a band. It is also a great song to get people onto the dance floor - after the 
sets of warm up music are played.
In a previous life at the Dar Institute, people would rush to pick up their 
girlfriends or the girl they were eying - the moment they heard the first few 
notes of the song - knowing that the next three songs would have a similar 
I have seen people there dance several styles to this tune. A good dancer will 
easily be able to improvise as s/he goes along.
To answer your question though, both the foxtrot and the cha cha. 

On Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 1:19 AM, Gabe Menezes <> 

What would you dance to this enchanting rhythm?


Gabe Menezes.

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