Happy New Year 2018

Midnight 31 December is usually one of the most celebrated occasions in the
world. This year wil be 18 years since the start of the millennium and a new
society for 18yr old Goan adults and the age of consent  on our Planet Earth.

Will this generation born outside Goa and the Goan community abroad ever know
the value of family structure  , Certainly in England  I have observed  their
cross eyed and cross nosed Goan parents shun Goa and our community in preference
to the mongrel or Chotara society around us scavenging for money feeling
elevated and upgraded  by  fundraising  events and Raffles  in the name of
Charity and community development  when in actual fact its hand in pocket with
no regulatory body to oversee these rich pickings from our proud Goan  community
that is nourished  dance after dance.

What has been achieved over the years may I ask? There is no right or wrong
answer. Usually, this day is celebrated with close friends and family. But not
everyone is fortunate enough to have their loved ones around.

It is with compliments that 2018 will be brighter and peaceful than the one
passed celebrating your Birthdate Anniversaries with good health and happiness
to one and all.

Melvyn Fernandes

Thornton Heath Surrey Englnd

1 January 2018


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