Our  CM needs to be congratulated for hosting Nobel  Prize series In Goa
for the first time., This should increase interest and curiosity in Science
learning and teaching .After Raman the Nobel prize in Science has eluded  us
for too long., India today has advanced in Nuclear ,  space ,missile
but yet to be bestowed this coveted honour .The teachers are the fulcrum to
promote scientific temper and hence they themselves have to hunger and
thirst for knowledge by self learning, The teacher is the one to identify
the potential, direct and promote interest to satisfy curiosity of the
students. The teaching of Science by non science graduates is an attempt  to
diminish interest and scientific temper. The availability of  library books
for reference, magazines,  and internet should direct the students to seek
knowledge by self effort and not merely transmit knowledge. The students
should be motivated in critical thinking, analysis and questioning.,Science
practicals in all classes at school level, laboratory attendants are
pointers in right direction, if pursued  seriously with intent. Science
exhibitions at all levels must be annual feature. The Science Centre at Goa
has to cater increasingly to curiosity and interest in science both of
teachers  ,It has to play a pro active role through seminars, debates,
discourses. regular  orientation courses, exhibitions, films, planned
outreach to institutions to inculcate and motivate interest and curiosity
in science subject,  It must also  continuously expand and upgrade its
exhibits and communicate through a publication

Our Industries and Universities should be oriented towards research as part
of their culture. Govt  must encourage by way of admissible expenditure for
rebate .Basic research not always gives immediate results, It propels
students and academics on the path, It is quoted as make in India , must be
linked to invent in India and so relevant

The finest brains at Std XII seek admissions to Engineering, Medicines,
Nursing, Pharmacology at all costs, Those that do not succeed track the
basic science courses, which are fundamental for researcher with right
aptitude. It would be honest to admit that best brains do not pursue basic
science and must be encouraged and supported financially. The careers in
basic sciences are not attractive in terms of remuneration and also social
standing .One of my colleague who scored more than maximum marks at
graduate level was directed towards nuclear research.

Our local papers baring a few, have discourses buried briefly in inner
pages, Full blooded  publicity of the happenings, observation of Nobel
must find reporting to concertize the society as well This type of
happenings must receive deserving publicity. Unfortunately the series is
limited to focused  groups without  any general session to sustain interest

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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