I had the pleasure of associating with Mr Caetano, as the Headmaster of
Immaculate Conception high School Avedem Paraoda for a period of 6 years.
It was strange that the school was shouldered with the responsibility of
celebrating the feast of the Village Chapel adjustant to the School. I
realized that the school had to make all the arrangements for seating,
priest, services band , preacher, in the evening. it meant that I had to
stay from morning till late evening after all the benches were shifted for
the next day class., Many of the benches were also damaged, The locals only
participated in religious ceremonies as guests. The raising of financial
resources were burden to the teaching community of the school. The
contributions from Locals were not guaranteed or dependable. There was a
fete in the morning to raise the resources to some extent and once again
patronized mostly by school students .The balance in the Chapel account of
the all previous year was shockingly in single digit. The daily collections
were the right of the Parish Priest and not ploughed into arrangements
.Refreshment for the celebrant were also school duty. It was an
unprecedented arrangement not seen by me in as many schools I had headed
That year the saving was Rs 6000= mostly coming from the staff members.
Chairs were provided for seating but that increased the cost many folds,
but saved the damage to the furniture of the school and daily shifting.
I called a meeting of Village elders soon after the feast and explained
that it was undesirable burden on school to celebrate, make arrangement and
take financial responsibility .That in future the school can at most can
assist in arrangement along with locals. The second year I dissociated and
Manager with the SSC student made a mesh of the event and was forced to
abandoned, The locals saw an opportunity to enter, took complete charge and
collected a balance of Rs 14000= under the leadership of Caetano in the
very first year. They purchased furniture for safekeeping of the religious
articles., Mr Caetano approached us regarding relinquishing a room adjacent
to the chapel .He agreed and obliged by constructing of new room first to
It was Mr Caetano who spearheaded the movement to construct a new chapel
.He was the first magnanimous donor, drew the plans and started the work
with expectations and hope of receiving aid, He raised financial resources
through donations ,celebrations under great strain, supported by his family
and close relatives. A magnificent Chapel became a reality soon and much
needed place of devotion and faith that galvanized the villagers,. There
after the feast was celebrated with great pomp and faith by the people and
villages surrounding it. Thus far It was a single decision of Villagers
involvement to celebrate the feast that led initiatives to construct the
magnificent chapel.
Villagers trusted his leadership, dynamism, honesty , generosity,
determination, abilities to mobilize funds from far and wide ,sell a dream
to villagers. He is a simple well meaning individual, whose contribution to
construct the Chapel will always remain unquestionable praise worthy effort
.The religious structure is the best monument to his lasting memory and
none can deny this credit of his toil and labour of love , devotion, faith
and determination to overcome all obstacles
Toward s recent past he expressed disappointment and saddens that the
Church pressurized the Committee to transfer all the funds in deposit to
the Church and threatened Eucharistic celebration of festive occasion. I
have no idea what was the final outcome of this outlandish demand, if it is
true. There are no substantiated charges of mismanagement, fraud, lack of
trust in Caetano and team by the people in his leadership. The Church has
had no role of financial support, when the committee was struggling in its
construction It is not a good precedent to take hold of finances under the
guise of Church authority, where they could exercise watchdog role, if it
was necessary
The family of Caetano and Mrs Angelina Collaco and family have erected a
niche in honour of the OUR LADY OF LOURDES in the school premises, a
Christian sign so essential of a catholic identity The funded the
expenditure over 20,000= The family of Caetano also made provision of fund
to provide refreshment to the students
The demise of Mr Caetano, popularly known as AARAB due to his physical gait
hailed from Zerlabhat Avedem Paroda. He was born on 5-2-1944 and breathed
his last on 3-3- 2018, he was interred in the presence of large gathering
of grateful mourners on 5-3-2018. His health took many turns for the worst,
but he did not give due medical attention that was perhaps needed.
Obituaries from Association of Parado, Mumbai and large friends of Zerla
Bhat quoting “ Your actions were always kind. Agenerous hand and active
mind. Anxious to please and loath to offend a loving brother and faithful
friend. We`ll all miss you very much”
He is survived by his wife Maria Magdalena, daughters Anita, Suzan,
Goretti, Santano and their families
I will miss a valuable, understanding friend, who always maintained warm
relations and regards ever since
Nelson Lopes
Past headmaster
ICH school ,Avedem Paroda
[image: Image may contain: house, sky, tree and outdoor]

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