The Goan Prymid at Mopa (Part 1) pl circulate to family and friends

For folks who have just joined this conversation The Goan Prymid at Mopa Goa is 
intended be a memento to our present civilization specially as it is now 
eighteen years since the millennium living in our world of  FT Fotkiros (Liars) 
Todokis (Cheats) I had difficulty in getting the translation of Honest in 
Konkani perhaps this word is not common of the Goan of Today. Thank you for the 
various private inputs I will try and address issues raised in bite size parts. 
This being part one.

The recant felling of 21,000   trees to make way for Mopa Airport indicates 
that of the roots still in the soil and will be given a chance to grow again 
like our community ,the branches represent our families and the millions of 
leaves all of us worldwide

>From what I gather the Mopa Airport project is still under discussion, the 
>felling of trees can only be criminal. To assist decision makers is the Mopa 
>Airport ask yourselves is this a need or a want for the State or 
>infrastructure of India.

When you fly into Goa you see a canopy of green and a blot on the landscape 
where mining activity has taken place. One writer asked if there will be a 
heatwave in Goa this year due to the recent destruction of a forest.

With the Easter Break approaching and families meeting in the Balcao and 
various homes and events around the world can I persuade you to accept and 
participate in an invitation by Global Goans Network who are coming out with a 
book on reflections in the form of short stories. Get our younger people to get 
creative instead of being screen attached to artificial intelligence If you’ll 
have any doubts..or questions..simply write to “The editor” directly on
The editor will guide you. .Your conversation with the editor will remain 

Your story (500-3000 words only) of the simpler way of life we use to live in 
Goa during your childhood days..the rural life and tradition..the religious 
fervor that pervaded was so different from the rest of our country India. 
During our childhood days we witnessed the waning years of a time that made us 
- rural Goans ,for centuries- following the arrival of the Portuguese.
Now with Goans migrating by the thousands and with the arrival of non Goans 
from the rest of our country, India- our unique..colourful way of life is 
changing dramatically. This book “goastoriesfromchildhood” will be a collection 
of a few selected stories of the Goan way of life we inherited from the 
Portuguese. There was that LATINO flavor…that came to be known as the Goan 
The Goan Hindus were the hardworking working class..the Goan Catholics 
preferred the white collared jobs. Yet they lived in harmony … even going to 
the extent of celebrating each others festivals.

So here ..this great initiative by The Global Goans Network will come to 
frutition and it will be made possible if you send in your story within a time 
frame of 4 months. This book is being planned to be released early next year 
and we’d like a few Goan stories from Goans living across the diaspora. Feel 
free to use our Amchi Bhas,our local colourful Konkani (with it’s English 
translation please in brackets) will be acceptable to make this book even more 

Here’s hoping that these untold stories evoke memories..Its a gift to the 
younger generations- who are born and spread out in the diaspora. They will get 
a taste of the way of life their ancestors lived by. They will get some 
knowledge of their roots….
Please try to be as accurate as possible..we want real life stories accompanied 
preferably with photographs from the 60s and 70s too.

May I take this opportunity to wish one and all a happy and peaceful Easter.

Melvyn Fernandes

Thornton Heath Surrey England

29 March 2018

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