*Subject:* 55PGA: New Website

14th. April 2018

55PGA is proud to announce the creation of a new website in addition to our
existing blog site, http://55plusga.blogspot.ca

The new website, aptly named 55PGA.com has everything the blog site has and

The new site address*, **http://55pga.com* <http://55pga.com> is easier to
remember and can be readily typed into your browser, although it is
recommended that the site be “bookmarked”, or put into your “favourites’
folder for easy access.

The site has six menu items as follows. 1) Home, 2) About Us, 3) Events. 4)
Join Us. 5) Community Service links, and 6) Contact. Items 2, About us, and
3 Events, have drop down menus.

The new site was skilfully crafted with the knowledgeable and much
appreciated assistance of Ruby Moraes, a 55PGA member who responded to a
request to the membership for support with this new venture. Her past
experience with websites and a reasonably priced programmer were invaluable.

Ruby and Communications Director, Romeo D’Souza worked together to design
and create this site.  Thank You Ruby, for your tremendous help and

Members of the Executive also helped with the project.

The new site is designed to publicize, showcase and record events,
activities and occasions specifically organized by the 55PGA executive
committee. It has the latest flyers, event schedules, photographs and more.
It is also planned to add past Annual reports since inception, with
photographs of the executive committees.

A menu element entitled *Community Service Links* provides paths to events
that are organized by broadly based community groups (i.e. non 55PGA

As you may wish to continue using the old blog Site, there is a link to it
under the Events Tab.

We hope you will visit the site to get acquainted with its content, and
perhaps use it as a reference for information on planned and past events.

President 55PGA.

Sent by R. D’Souza. Communications.



Gabe Menezes.

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