That's a rather condescending approach to Muslims and their culture.
Who next? Sikhs and their turbans? Jehovah's Witnesses (who refused to
sign the national anthem in India, and won). Jews?

If someone wants to dress in a particular style, why should I get so
worked up about it?


On Mon, 13 Aug 2018 at 20:53, Roland Francis <> wrote:
> Nothing more ridiculous that saying the burqa is a means to get closer to God.
> I support the right of Britain’s Boris Johnson to compare the women wearing 
> it, to a letterbox. By actions like censuring Johnson, Britain and other 
> western democracies are going too far on a path they will surely rue.
> Most of those who unreasonably accommodate people from strange cultures and 
> habits in the name of diversity, forget that those people had undertaken 
> during their immigration interviews to integrate with the people and culture 
> of the country they were seeking to enter.
> Oops, I forgot. Many of those immigrants had to give no such undertaking 
> because they came as refugees, hounded out at risk of death, by the very 
> people whom they try to imitate while resettling.
> Roland.

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