*Very worrisome analysis of the Kerala flood root-cause and preventability.
There should be a full enquiry and updated SOPs at all dams and irrigation
By *Dr Amita Singh, Prof, Disaster Management,  JNU :*

‘I just don't understand how people seem to appreciate the state
administration & the CM for apparent leadership, when they've failed the
most fundamental test: NOT preventing of a preventable disaster.

This flood was not caused merely by excess rain; *40% excess precipitation
over 3 months of monsoons cannot have caused this*, nor is it a terrible
outlier. *This was caused by human blunder.*

*The Kerala state govt could've prevented it but didn't have the foresight
to.* They knew the reservoirs were full by July. *Scientifically reliable &
freely available weather forecasting systems were predicting 2000 mm of
additional precip in Aug.* The first function of dams is as storage. *The
right thing to do with any storage system is to have a proper input &
output prediction & management.*

*They could've had a warning system, water management system, looked at
proper weather forecasting & released water in manageable quantum over a
period of 15 to 20 days yet omitted to*. They should've realized the danger
a few weeks in advance (assuming they have cognizance & sobriety). *Instead
they waited till overflow & opened all the dam shutters at once*

*Instead of heavy but manageable drainage flow, we got a deluge.*
 No surprise,
 In the middle of rains. It's the people who have paid dearly, not the
decision makers who make no decision actually. *And it's the best governed
state - by which metric, I wonder?*

*Do not praise the ignorant for a superficial display of leadership in the
relief after the disaster* when they could've prevented it but did not &
clearly are not capable of. If you elect fools, you will fall with their

*Be clear: it wasn't nature or God. This was man.*
 God has given man intelligence, wisdom & memory with which he has created
superb technology & management systems. The disuse of wisdom, lack of
observation & ignorance of the laws of nature, is not God's fault. *The
crime of omission is far greater than that of commission.’*
[22/08, 20:05] Stephen (E. Dias): If Goa Goverment does not take
precautions suggested  by Environmentalists we may be heading for a similar
disaster and worst in Panjim.
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