Earlier this month while presenting his innovative work using modern
technology for wildlife and environmental conservation, Shashank
Srinivasan told his startled audience about feeling compelled to leave
New Delhi to live in Goa because “it was just becoming too hot.” He
later elaborated on email, “The extensive construction of public
infrastructure in Delhi, along with the cutting of mature trees and
the vanishing of open water bodies, has made the city a heat island.
Delhi has historically had an extreme climate, but it's become far
worse in the past few years. I enjoy being outdoors, but with the
summer heat and the winter pollution, I found myself spending an
increasing amount of time indoors. This led to my leaving Delhi in the
quest for a healthier and happier lifestyle.”

It’s become commonplace to hear about the steady exodus from India’s
big cities due to unhealthy levels of pollution. According to the most
recent World Health Organization study, the country shamefully
includes 14 out of the worst 20 cities in the world in air quality as
measured by particulate matter concentration. It makes sense that
those who have the means to escape eagerly do so. But perilously
dangerous as this crisis situation already is, there’s now clear
evidence the destabilization is greatly worsened by extreme climate
change caused by global warming. Srinivasan and his wife represent
only the tip of a rapidly melting iceberg. In coming years, hundreds
of desperate millions will be on the move.

All of this was predicted. Almost 30 years ago, the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that “the greatest single
consequence of climate change could be migration.” A few years after
that, British environmentalist Norman Myers said millions of people
had already begun being displaced by “shoreline erosion, coastal
flooding and severe drought” and calculated as many as 250 million
people would be forced to move by the middle of the 21st century.
Those numbers sounded outlandish and hysterical back in the middle of
the 1990s, but now they seem like an underestimate. According to just
one finding by the Internal Displacement Centre, that was focused on
only Asia and the Pacific alone, over 42 million people were displaced
during 2010 and 2011. Extrapolate over the past decade, that figure
likely more than doubles.

All around the world temperatures have skyrocketed, 2018 will surely
become the very hottest year ever recorded. It hit 44 degrees Celsius
in Lisbon. In Kyoto, the mercury stayed above 38 degrees for a full
week. Last month, at least 90 people died suring a killer heatwave in
Quebec. A landmark study published in Nature calculated that 30% of
the world’s population already suffers through at least 20 days of
annual “deadly heat.” If greenhouse gases emissions (the major factor
in global warming) continue as usual, that will rise to 74% by the end
of the century. There is no good news. Even if mankind manages
“drastic reductions” (which today seem impossible) the percentage will
be 48%, “an increasing threat to human life from excess heat now seems
almost inevitable.”

Shashank Srinivasan was able to leave North India as it became too hot
to tolerate. When the summertime temperature rises uncomfortably in
Goa he could probably join many locals (including this writer) who
like to head someplace cooler. We are amongst the privileged who might
be able to stay slightly ahead of the worst damage caused by climate
change. Here, like all calamities, the maximum impact will be felt by
the most vulnerable: the poor, the elderly, those ailing or very
young. The National Disaster Management Authority of India has
repeatedly flagged the possibility of lurking catastrophe, saying most
recently, “slums in Indian cities are most vulnerable to heat waves.
They are not built with light materials and feel the urban island
effect the most, causing discomfort to dwellers in the day as well as
in the night.

Inconceivably, instead of understanding this grave warning, Goa’s
stakeholders in both public and private sectors have embarked on a
massive overbuilding, concretization and scam infrastructure spree in
India’s smallest state. All that heedless construction creates,
absorbs and radiates heat, and it is getting intolerably hotter each
passing year. Take note. Proceed with extreme caution. This is not a
story that ends well. The inconceivable is already here. If existing
patterns prevail, refugees from debilitating weather caused by climate
change will eventually pour out of Goa, just as they stream in today.

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