Dear friends,

Given here *below *is the* LINK* to an article ( with photos)
by Soumya Rao, on *Scroll.*

Please do make time to read this fascinating story w.r.t. *EC Henriques*,
the architect who designed the Chattri Memorial in Brighton, England,
and redesigned Bandra’s St Peter’s Church.

best wishes,

Praba Mahajan

Article on *Scroll:*

"*Little is known about EC Henriques, the architect who designed the
Chattri memorial and redesigned Bandra’s St Peter’s Church*".

*Select Excerpt*

Anthony Henriques is determined to preserve his father’s memory. At his
home in Bandra, a suburb of Mumbai, he has a slender archive of newspaper
clippings about his father that he generously shares with reporters. Even
at the age of 95, he writes letters to newspapers, reminding them of his
father’s contributions – from Brighton to Bandra.

His father, Elias Cosmas Henriques, was an architect. In colonial India,
against sizable odds, he crafted several successes through sheer hard work,
but his biggest legacies were two: the St Peter’s Church in Bandra, and a
memorial in Brighton and Hove that immortalised the Indian soldiers who
lost their lives in World War I.

EC Henriques died in 1940 at the age of 51. Details of his life are sparse
– as his oldest son says, his father was never a fan of the limelight.
However, there are enough surviving fragments to recreate a potted history
of his career and get a glimpse into his era.
Early life

Born on August 18, 1889, in Culvem village near Gorai, Elias Comas
Henriques lost his father to a fire when he was just one. Raised by his
mother, he was brought to Mumbai by a relative at the age of seven for
schooling. It was in the big city that he discovered his artistic



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