Dear David Cleaver,
Thanks for the immense time & trouble you've taken to discover all those email 
IDs and to put forward your case against the DGP.
That a UK man has complained on a Goan public matter will certainly attract 
notice and perhaps some of the powers addressed may sit up and take note. Who 

But, David, do keep in mind that in Goa and indeed all of India, corruption is 
a way of life, an insidious culture in which virtually all high officials are 
immersed and nothing is likely to deter them from it. On a related matter, 
about a third of the MPs of Delhi's Parliament are known to be tainted by 
criminal connections. But who cares??
And while you are at it, kindly consider raising similar charges against the 
highest officials of the land. Perhaps only the intervention and concern by a 
foreigner & European in an issue of Indian governance might bring about some 
change in this benighted land.
Congrats & good wishes.
Eddie =====================================
    On Friday, 26 October 2018, 23:56:11 BST, David Cleaver 
<> wrote:  
 FAO: *Smt. Mridula Sinha* (Governor of Goa)

Dear Madam,

Bearing in mind the mountain of court cases STILL piling up against this
fraudster, Ajju Sindolli, I am very sure that you have correctly formed the
opinion that my relentless stream of emails on the topic is not simply a
personal vendetta against Sindolli, and that he is indeed someone who needs
to be properly dealt with under the law of India. However, it appears that
your very clear instructions to the Director General of Police are being
totally ignored.

Specifically regarding the issue of Sindolli’s “fake” passport, for which I
have provided all the documented evidence necessary to secure a conviction,
do you not find it a little strange that the Director General of Police has
taken no action?

As I have pointed out many times in the past, Sindolli openly claims that
“all of Panjim Police are in his pocket”. Well, what exactly do you think
he means by that? …. because in my opinion, there can be only one correct
interpretation. The key word in that boastful statement is the word ALL,
which obviously includes the DGP.

So, am I accusing the Director General of Police of being corrupt? …. Well,
yes, of course. Surely there can be no other reasonable explanation, can
there? For some reason, the DGP is failing to take action against Sindolli
– even when he is effectively being given an order from yourself to do so!
Madam, how does that make you feel? Because I know how it makes you look!

Whichever way you view the current state of the legal system in Goa, the
Director General of Police has to shoulder a large percentage of the
responsibility. But quite simply, this man is not doing his job properly ….
and somebody really needs to be asking why not!

In fact, somebody really should be asking how the DGP has found the funds
necessary to build his lavish palace at Sangolda! From what I have heard on
this aspect, *there is a big enough argument for an immediate
Disproportionate Assets case to be registered against the DGP*. Is he being
excluded purely on the basis of his rank? I hope you can see, madam, that
THIS is the basic problem.


Yes, SOMEBODY should certainly be asking these important questions. But
isn’t that what the Press is for? In my opinion, not a single one of the
Press representatives receiving a copy of this email has the balls to
investigate any of these matters and speak the truth. Do you not see that
the purpose of these emails is not simply to get Sindolli jailed? The
bigger purpose here is to try to expose the endemic corruption within your
state’s legal and political framework. The Press should definitely be
playing their part here and should be picking up on every single detail,
especially when I am making serious accusations against top-ranking police
officers. In my opinion, you are ALL totally useless and a disgrace to your
profession. The purpose of the Press is to report on the TRUTH and spread
that TRUTH amongst your people. Instead of that, you are all sitting on
your arses, watching the whole system crumble before your eyes!

*It is time to take proper action against corruption! Start with an
investigation against Dr. Chander and ask him from where he got all his
money! *

End of rant …. for now.

David N. Cleaver

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