When black children were not admitted in schools in USA, troops and armed 
police had to enforce the court decision and constitutional law, right from 
escorting the children from residence to school, in school and back! Our 
government backed by the RSS and Hindu religious leaders is playing a dangerous 
game whipping up sentiments of the majority community against the Supreme Court 
decisions! If courts were to give decisions according to faiths/religious 
practices come down from ancient times, which in today's world are 
unscientific, misogynist, discriminatory, embedded in fossilised beliefs and 
superstitions of our ancestors and blind practice, there would be no need for a 
judiciary to decide contentious issues. Right is might and majority jungle law 
will prevail. What is hapenning with the Sabrimala temple issue where the State 
is being prevented from implementing the SC decision by the backing of RSS and 
national political parties is obvious as brought out in the various talk 
shows!Such double speak, hypocrisy I have never heard and this convoluted logic 
is expected to fool the electorate and take their minds off the  failures in 
governance. If faith triumps over law in Samrimala, I fear we will progress to 
become the Banana Republic of Hindusthan. With our unity in diversity being 
pointedly shattered(Sub Ke Saath, Sub Ka Vikas now an empty phrase) and the 
Kashmir unrest and Khalistan issue being revived/fermented, we can see the 
future looking at what is hapenning in Pakistan today?

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