Are Goans Natural Born Gamblers?

Nice to read on Diwali day how the government has gifted the public
one more casino. Bless their loving hearts, and their love for
Goemkarponn. Good news, no doubt, for the shady runners of gambling on
water and land. The only uncharted area remaining is in the air, so
how about helicopter gambling? Won't it be a great tourism attraction?
Take a ride and gamble to your heart's satisfaction. Maybe, even some
great entertainment to go with gambling.

Hindu culture is ambivalent with regard to gambling. Is it for or
against is an issue hidden by a religious and cultural fog. The Goa
government loves the people of Goa and wants to protect them against
the evils of gambling as there are families biting the dust because of
their love of gambling. Are Goans gamblers at heart?

All gamblers who enter the casinos will have to present to the
authorities proof of residence. No Goans allowed. All, no doubt, fine
on paper. Thousands of people have been availing of welfare funds for
years even though they were not legally entitled to the money from the

Well, how is it possible people of Goa  won't ask, ah, this is Goa!
The Goans will be able to enter the casinos. Get the right papers from
the right men who are always invisibly present for people who need
them. Are they social workers or even gods who want to help people in

Goans entering casinos will easily obtain proof of residence. Are we
Goans gamblers, on water and land? We have a fish problem which scares
the Goan stiff - formalin. Fruit and vegetables are, we are told full
of chemicals so they ripen early, and now milk is the latest bogey,
and star of the show as it is brought into Goa from afar in
unrefrigerated trucks.

The total lack of any sense of inter-dependence and social
responsibility unrelated to one's personal concerns has made Goa a
place where anything goes. As a result, our food, water, air and
environment is hellish. And, with it we too. Are we living in a kind
of hell?

Don't worry, everything is okay, don't bother to check anything is our
attitude. This has been our downfall. Isn't this gambling with our
lives? Aren't Goans anything else but gamblers?

With the Chief Minister extremely ill we are now given the latest news
that he can walk a little, and is able to eat solid food again. The
news sadly is being broadcasted all over the state as if he is a man
who can handle the affairs of  the state of Goa, and governance is no
longer a problem.

Shady, and even shadier politicians are now able to achieve their dark
deeds in this situation. No need to elaborate, as it is  the time to
make a quick buck. It is prime-time for gambling. Formerly, it took a
couple of elections to make a fortune. It is no longer true.

Our soldiers of fortune are shedding crocodile tears for the Chief
Minister's health. Now is the time to roll the dice. A lot of
politicians who cannot are green with envy. They will try to stop the
politicians in power for the wrong reasons but our elected soldiers of
fortune are all playing furiously - all trying to hit the jackpot!

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