Thanks to the MeToo movement, a lot of important people in Canada have been 
tumbling down.

Govt Ministers and bureaucrats, church officials, high military ranks; and 
there seems to be no stopping the women who have finally mustered courage to go 
public at great cost to themselves.

Most of those outed are white, conservative, highly respected by their 
community, seemingly happily married with model families and very strict in 
their public life about law and morals but decadent in private.

Yet these paragons of virtue didn’t need to think twice about sexting, 
propositioning, pressurizing and finally forcing themselves on vulnerable women 
who were left with little choice.

Growing up, some of us men made poor choices too. It was a common myth that 
when females said no, they really meant yes. It was our saving grace that we 
didn’t take matters to the point of no return and that we were not in a 
position of authority in order to intimidate and coerce. We could be loutish 
but we did not create bad memories or ruin lives. But given power who knows 
what we too would have done.

I am glad women are finding their way in the sun. A place bright enough where 
they can freely bring their peace and compassion to an uncaring world that 
seeks to destroy its own harmony, beauty and ecology.

Viva to women’s MeToo.


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