Agriculture needs support

Every party claims to ameliorate the problems of farmers .All the policies
and measures have not reduced farmers suicide on the increase The big rally
of farmers in Delhi did not receive any sympathy but mild rebuff and
The agriculture must receive the status enjoyed by industry   .Loans that
are resulting into huge NPA and borrowers get away with tacit support of
our leaders. The loan write off to the farmers is a pittance compared with
industry. The industrial products prices are neither regulated or dictated
by Govt,.  The glut in the market does not lead to distress sales nor
reduction in productions. The Govt. states that there is decrease in
population and increase in productions    The Govt could have  intervened
in paying for discouraging of productions

The cartel of merchants create artificial glut in the market and force
distress sales below production costs, In the absence  of marketing,
 transport ,storing and processing facilities, lack of export incentives,
the farmers with burden of loans are thus forced .Even the minimum support
price is violated

The fact is that the price of inputs like seeds, fertilizers, water,
electricity or diesel, irrigation water machinery has increased many folds
that makes agriculture not viable for farmers unable to understand income
and expenditure mechanics.  Besides agriculture us subject to vagaries of
nature. The insurance scheme is loaded against the interest of the farmers
and too costly. The children of farmers are migrating to cities in search
of jobs   to give up non remunerative profession. The subsidies are
cornered by rich farmers, not tenanted farmers with smaller holdings ones
and those that borrow from banks, Most lenders to poor farmers are private

The provision of rs 6000= per year in next budget with 2 acres of land is
adding salt to the wounds of the farmers plight. The doubling of income
 promise is a dream perpetuated by BJP,
unless the farmers and agriculture receives a fair deal, the largest
employment generating sector will remain in doldrums

It is unfortunate that the agriculture has no lobby or dedicated leaders to
support their cause and highlight their grievances inside and outside

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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