Dear Editor

Request to publish this article with photo if possible SIR.


An exception to the rule becomes a precedent and precedent becomes, in
turn, a vicious circle that leads to illegalities being accorded the
status of legality. I am
fighting alone on behalf of silent sufferers by raising the issue
a number of times either in newspapers or by clicking photos of this
ongoing 8-floor high-rise building under construction next door.

The high rise building actually tantamouts to an infringement of rules
at Bay View, Dona Paula, in spite of sounding out about the
illegalities to the ward member, Sarpanch, even ex-Mayor/Commissioner.
The 8-floor cum upper ground floor building  with swimming pool is coming up
 on a 500 sq meters plot of land. GOD
only knows whether the owner of the adjacent dilapidated building
*St Anthony* will eventually be
forced to sell off his building to this Non Goan owner.

Significantly, it must
be noted that the promotor of the project has been intentionally
paying house taxes to municipality and
not paying tax to the Taleigao Panchayat.

This anomaly has been complained about to no avail. The new outline
development plan ( ODP) shows this construction as well as mine and others
coming under the domain of the Municipality but the Panchayat is unaware of
the reorganisation of administration.

Apparently, this mechanication is aimed at circumventing the existing
regulation and getting a bigger
FAR thus violating norms for high rise building. The promotor of the
structure has violated norms because he happens to have not only political
connection but may be linked to the cash-rich casino lobby, which I
understand to get the clients from the new arrival of casino BIG DADDY
which is already in Mandovi river. This construction has received all
approvals needed from NGPDA, Health services, Fire Dept, Electricity dept,
CCP which are displayed on their board, except their licence from Panchayat
of Taleigao despite ironically it coming under Taleigao Panchayat
jurisdiction. The Sarpanch is a silent spectator despite several complaints
to various government department and signed by NIO scientists, residents of
Dona Paula, Bay View residents and Our Lady of Rosary school Dona Paula.
The inaction is all the more strange despite complaints before the Chief
Secretary, High Court, Tourism, GSIDC  and others. Needles to say, students
of Rosary  School will be among the most impacted due to congestion at the
slope of Bambolim -Dona Paula  road near the Nelson Cabral restaurant where
an illegal footpath has come up -- which is another obstruction -- further
narrowing this road.

Perusal of plans available at NGPDA show
the width of this road as 10 meters, whereas in reality its barely 6 meters
--allowing just  two vehicles to maneuver with  difficulty

(see photo --
a truck container with steel wires on this road hardly has any space).

Dona Paula used to be an idyllic place and a residential area but now
with high rise buildings, the area has lost its charm and inherent
natural beauty.

Will this new Government and new Mayor open their eyes to solve our
problem and put a stop
to this grotesque construction ?

Stephen Dias

Dona Paula


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