Goan expat organizations have been in their death throes for many years now. 
Sadly they do not recognize their terminal state and hence have not taken steps 
to prolong their lifespan. The vast majority of Goan expat organizations are 
social clubs with the usual mix of picnics and dances (at least the Catholic 
groups). Many years ago, I had written that their agenda does not appeal to 
young Goans who are more connected and open to other communities. But Goans in 
general are not very bright people who stop and reflect on their situation and 
look at trends and what is happening in their larger communities. Hence, the 
bell tolls.

But the death of Goan expat organizations has to be understood against the 
backdrop of the death of the motherland (Goa). A well-run Goa would attract 
expat Goans to invest in Goa in various ways (not just financial investment). 
Instead we see lawlessness, environmental degradation on a large scale, etc. In 
addition, in the last five years, a majority in Goa are now non-Goans, migrants 
who have primarily come to Goa to work on illegal activity (casinos, housing 
"development" which is for non-Goans, mining, "tourism", etc.). How does 
present-day Goa appeal to expats?  And it seems there is a challenge to keep 
local Goans in Goa as many have left in droves to the UK (through the 
Portuguese passport route).

The death of Goa and Goan identity is self-inflicted. There is no will to 
preserve Goa and incrementally improve and provide good employment to Goans. 
Instead, greed has laid Goa waste (sale of the land to non-Goans). No Goan 
(expat or local) should shed crocodile tears at Goa's funeral when they have 
been complicit in her demise.


On Saturday, June 22, 2019, 02:29:10 PM PDT, gabe.mene...@gmail.com wrote: 


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