more catholics in BJP?-implies endorsing the hindutva ideology!-how do the 
catholics and the church view this? betrayal of the faith?!
besides the regular supporters of BJP are shaken ! -some more upheavals...
wither goan politics?!

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Sent: 14 July 2019 0:20
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Subject: [Goanet-News] POLITICS: Goa's Voters Lose as BJP Deliberately Misreads 
Anti-Defection Law (Devika Sequeira,

Goa's Voters Lose as BJP Deliberately Misreads Anti-Defection Law

          Considering the Pramod Sawant-led coalition
          government was under no threat, the BJP's gleeful
          embrace of the turncoats has also shaken the
          saffron party's core supporters in the state.
          Goa's Voters Lose as BJP Deliberately Misreads
          Anti-Defection Law

PHOTO: BJP working president J.P.  Nadda with Goa chief
minister Pramod Sawant and other Goa Congress rebel MLAs in
New Delhi on July 11, 2019.  Photo: PTI/Kamal Kishore

Devika Sequeira
16 hours ago

Panaji, (Goa): The defection of 10 Congress MLAs to the BJP
in Goa has not only plunged the already embattled national
party into its worst crisis in the state in recent years but
has also shaken the saffron party's core supporters, who have
been left astounded by the BJP national leadership's gleeful
embrace of the turncoats.

Three of the defectors will now be accommodated as ministers
in the state government -- a far cry from the legal
requirement that all of them be disqualified for switching

The Congress, which won 17 seats in the 2017 assembly
election and was actually the single largest party -- the BJP
managed to win only 13 seats -- is now left with just five

          The BJP rank and file's disapproval is
          understandable -- after all, the Pramod Sawant-led
          coalition government in Goa was under no threat.
          Four short of a majority on its own (17 in a house
          of 40) till Wednesday's events, six members from
          the Goa Forward Party and independents had helped
          the BJP cruise comfortably through half the term.
          Modi's overwhelming victory in May had also ensured
          the allies stayed on.

"I don't know why they had to do it.  I don't see the reason.
We already had a majority with the support of GFP and
independents," Nilesh Cabral, one of BJP's more vocal
ministers, said.

Goa Forward Party had been the BJP's "most dependable ally",
the regional party's leader Vijai Sardesai, reminded the BJP.

But none of that will matter now that the saffron party has
gained a bloated majority of 27 overnight.

Sardesai, who scaled the ladder to the deputy chief minister
position under the coalition deal, and three other ministers
will likely be eased out in the cabinet reshuffle on Saturday
to make way for the Congress defectors and deputy speaker
Michael Lobo -- credited with the Goa BJP's "surgical strike
on the Congress".

Out in the cold, Sardesai's comeuppance for his betrayal of
the secular cause when he supported the BJP rather than the
Congress after the 2017 assembly election result is the only
silver lining in the latest political mauling in Goa, an AAP
member told The Wire.

          "The BJP has gained MLAs but lost trust," Giriraj
          Pai Vernekar, a former aide of Manohar Parrikar,
          lamented.  Parrikar's son, Utpal, too lashed out at
          the "new leadership" for its opportunistic
          politics, adding that commitment and trust in the
          Goa BJP had died with his father.

In the eyes of many in the state, the BJP's claim to occupy
higher moral ground is hypocrisy at best.  In this term
alone, under Parrikar, the party rewarded former Congress
chief minister Pratapsingh Rane's son Vishvajit with a
cabinet post for defecting from the Congress.  In October
last year, two more Congress MLAs were lured away to
cynically bring down the numbers in the Goa assembly to keep
the government from going under.

Just a few days after Parrikar's death, two MLAs from the
Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (two-thirds of the MGP's three
MLAs) were spirited away to the Raj Bhavan in the dead of
night to be sworn in as ministers after turning saffron.

The new BJP legislature party currently has more "Congress
MLAs" (16 out of 27) than dyed-in-the-wool saffronites.  And
more Catholic MLAs than Hindus -- to highlight an
uncomfortable detail for a party championing the Hindu
rashtra cause.

          For all their venting on social media over the
          debasement of the BJP's "culture and principles",
          by the entry of the Congress turncoats -- "vile
          scum" is how one bhakt described some of them --
          BJP voters are expected to line up and
          unquestioningly endorse the lotus symbol,
          irrespective of the candidate.

They did so in the May by-election when both Congress
defectors were re-elected.  An in-house mutiny ignited by the
former chief minister Laxmikant Parsekar against the previous
defections too was shut down and never heard of again.  In
the face of Narendra Modi and Amit Shah's aggressive
expansionist agenda, there's little room for protest for
those who might disagree with the methods, say observers.

Unprincipled defections

On Thursday, speaker Rajesh Patnekar notified his acceptance
of the "merger" of two-thirds of the Congress legislature
party in Goa with the BJP, implying the merger was valid
under the rules of the anti-defection law.

          The media too played up the line that the current
          defections do not attract disqualification, simply
          because two-thirds had broken away from the
          legislature party.

          Nothing could be further from the truth, says
          former judge and lawyer Cleofato Almeida Coutinho,
          who sees this as a deliberate misreading of the law
          to get away with unprincipled defections.  "A
          legislature party split alone does not constitute a
          split in the party.  For the merger of a national
          party, a split has to take place in the party at
          the national level," he pointed out.

According to former secretary general of the Lok Sabha P.D.T.
Acharya, the basic objective of the tenth schedule was to
prevent defections, not facilitate them.  Writing in The Wire
in the context of the Telangana case where 12 out of 18
Congress MLAs defected to the ruling TRS, he said:

"The recent spate of defections in various state legislatures
shows that defector legislators are under the impression that
it is enough to mobilise two-thirds of the members of the
legislature party and merge with the ruling party.

"Para 4 of the tenth schedule says that the original
political party should merge with another party first.  This
would mean that the Congress party should merge with the TRS
before these 12 MLAs can merge with that party.  But there is
no evidence that the Congress party has merged with the TRS.
Therefore, there is no legally recognisable merger in

"Further, the decision to merge with the TRS needs to be
taken by the All India Congress Committee and not the
Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee.  The Jagjit Singh vs
State of Haryana judgment says, ‘In case a member is put up
by a national party it is a split in that party which is
relevant and not a split in that party at the state level.'"

          The BJP believes it has struck at the heart of
          vulnerability -- a "surgical strike", one member
          said -- of the Congress party in Goa in hijacking
          such a large number of MLAs.  This will give the
          saffron party a foothold in constituencies in South
          Goa where it has little presence.

Whether this will impact the next election is another matter.
But the action, says the Congress, shows a deep contempt for
voters and India's multi-party democracy.

"This is an assault on the constitution and the murder of
democracy.  Is the BJP looking to make India a one-party
state?" Congress MP Shashi Tharoor asked during the
opposition protest outside parliament on Thursday.

          What will be most interesting to see, however, is
          how MLAs like Babush Monserrate, the catalyst of
          the Congress exodus, and all given to slithering in
          and out of parties -- from UGDP to BJP to Congress
          to GFP to Congress to BJP -- will fare under the
          watchful eyes of Amit Shah's lieutenants.

Devika Sequeira is a freelance journalist based in Goa.

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