Edgar Valles

Antonio Costa, the first European Chief Minister of Goan
origin, won the national elections that took place on October
6, 2019, in Portugal by a large majority.

His Socialist Party (known as the PS, by its Portuguese
initials) secured 36.65% of the votes and got elected 106 members
of Parliament.  The opposition Social-Democratic Party (PSD),
lead by his rival Rui Rio, secured just 27.90% of the votes and
got elected 77 deputies.

However, Costa will need the support of other leftist parties,
the Communist Party and the Bloco de Esquerda, as he
did not get an absolute majority.  In Portugal, as
in India, the government needs the support of the
Parliament.  The PS needed 10 more MPs to rule without the
support of any other party, on its own.

          In his victory speech, Costa made some important
          statements: "The Portuguese people liked my
          government and what we did, and showed that they
          want a stronger Socialist Party", "Right wing
          parties suffered the biggest defeat in Democratic
          Portugal" and "As I have always said, political
          stability is a essential value".

What was the secret of the success?  In the last four years,
Portugal grew faster on average than the other European
countries, in investments or in the increase of exports.
The country is now much more competitive.  Portugal recovered
its financial credibility.

The interest rate that Lisbon pays to its international
creditors is now 0.5%, when it was 4% four years ago.
Unemployment rate in 2015 was 12.6% and now it is down to 6.6%.
The Government put an end to cuts on salaries and pensions,
increasing the national minimum salary.  The poor are much
better off and there was a reduction in the gap between the
richest and the poorest. Confidence has been regained.

So, during the campaign, Costa was able to declare, proudly,
that Portugal was much better now than it was in 2015, when
he took over as Chief Minister, although he didn't win
electorally, at that time. In those elections, the Right-wing
PaF (Portugal Ahead) coalition won almost 47% of the seats in
the 230-member Assembly of the Republic, but the Socialists
successfully formed an alliance after the Right coalition fell.

This time round, the victory of Costa and the Socialist Party
is even more important because there are very few European
countries with a leftist government in power.  Most of the
countries have Conservative governments and populism is
growing everywhere.

In fact, even in Portugal an extremist right wing party,
called 'Chega' (which means 'Enough') was able to enter in
Parliament, though with just a single deputy.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the President of Republic, has
appointed Costa as Chief Minister.  Currently, he is forming
government.  Costa said that the ministers would be basically
the same and that he will go on working for the benefit of
Portuguese people.


* Edgar Valles is a Lisbon-based Goan advocate, author and
  former President of the cultural centre in the Portuguese
  capital, the Casa de Goa.  See http://www.casadegoa.org/

[Edited by Frederick Noronha]

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