In Chattisgarh Khattar of BJP is sworn in as CM with Dhushyant of the JJP party 
as Deputy CM whose father was overnight granted two weeks furlough from Tihar 
Jail to attend son's swearing in! Congress leader Shivkumar also just released 
from Tihar Jail is welcomed at Bangaloru airport with huge garlands and massive 
crowds blocking traffic for which inconvenience to harassed citizens he 
subsequently publicly apologised. The partisan law and order machinery just 
stands by and watches/ takes/part/helps in the proceedings! When I brought to a 
two wheeler rider's notice at the OCoqueiro junction does he require a 
Rs10,000/- fine to stop breaking traffic rules,he berated me with you have no 
authority to correct me. In other words both the authorities and citizens 
require the "danda" from someone in authority to do what is right and be law 
abiding citizens? Unfortunately authority is setting the bad example!The 
shenagins after elections makes us wonder when truth and people's mandate will 
prevail in our nation.The Shiv Sena and BJP tussle in Maharashtra is 
interesting! We keep electing our oppressors to cater to our greed and illegal 
wants. We are ready to die for our religion but live upto its noble 
tenets...only if it suits us. Hypocracy all around is it not?

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