Absolutely true!

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> On 05-Feb-2020, at 5:39 AM, John Eric Gomes <joe...@dataone.in> wrote:
> The worlds greatest democracies are crumbling to right wing ideology of 
> revenge? hate? conflict of big egos? What is it? In America Trump has his 
> vote bank and majority no matter what he does and the Democrats who want to 
> defeat him are fighting among themselves. The media,fake news and 
> divisiveness effect everyone even in close families, individuals differing in 
> opinion. In India the Sang Parrivar is riding high. Modi and BJP have their 
> loyal cadre similar to Trump. The Delhi elections reflect the same! Shaheen 
> Baugh Hindu Muslim Pakistan bogey. At least Trump has the economy and jobs 
> scene doing well. If the aim is to dislodge the BJP, does it make sense for 
> the Opposition to fight among themselves, big egos to the fore, divide the 
> vote making it easy for the BJP to walk in?Does it make sense for Saheen 
> Baugh dharna to continue even after the point has been made and residents 
> counter dharna due long inconvenience patiently suffered so far?Why not 
> graciously bow down to fellow citizens anguish, shift to another non 
> controversial venue/ say we still vehemently oppose CAA but lift blocade in 
> public interest? Does it not make sense to put aside the egos, but get 
> together to achieve the common aim? All this neglecting basic law and order 
> and governance for unity and welfare of all citizens! It is a shame Supreme 
> Court having to issue notice once again to Centre and States on children 
> falling/dying in open bore wells, government quoting thali economics to prove 
> that food inflation is coming down, telephone call and internet/ 
> infrastructure failures not attended to whilst forging forward with figures 
> that belie the actual ground realities. Explain to the common man/ house wife 
> and harassed vehicle driver in daily traffic jams, accidents/deaths and 
> rising prices about the long ago promised acche din!

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