The plight of workforce &labour

Self-employed, shop keepers, services are hard hit,

Daily workers, migrants, no savings, food to eat,

Market vendors, hordes selling on the  street,

 Home deliveries, Vegetables, fish, bread, retreat.

 Agriculture, transport, industries are shut,

Interstate borders, movements stay cut.

Labour scarce to harvest, supply of essential food,

The India, the world in lockdown mood,

Masons, carpenters, electricians their plight is sad,

Permanent employees fortunate , regular income to be glad.

Schools, colleges closed, exams on hold.

Airlines  suspended, quarantine, stay at home measures bold.

 Doctors, nurses, medical staff are feeling the heat,

 At  great risk, maintain patient’s heartbeat,

Ventilators, masks, drugs are badly in need,

Govt is  working overtime, to provide indeed.

Supply of daily necessities is a daunting task,

Door deliveries to tide, citizens ask,

Fruits, vegetables, grains , the prices rise

Hoarders, profiteers warning despise.

Agriculture , industry need work force soon,

Piling stocks, inventories causing darkness at noon,

Industries, transport, services need to start fast.

Economic slowdown and gloom to end fast.

Doctors, medical staff face physical  attack,

In colonies, outside hospital, worrying setback,

Distance themselves from  families as  fears they raise

P.M in Janata curfew, lauded services, bestowed praise

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


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